Archivio Digitale delle Tesi e degli elaborati finali elettronici


Tesi etd-05162022-123943

Tipo di tesi
Enhancing value in healthcare: managerial tools to support managers
Settore scientifico disciplinare
Corso di studi
Istituto di Management - MANAGEMENT
relatore Prof.ssa NUTI, SABINA
Membro Prof. JANI, ANANT
Parole chiave
  • value-based healthcare
  • integration
  • sustainability
Data inizio appello
Riassunto analitico
Healthcare systems around the world face a range of similar challenges such as ageing populations, technological developments, societal changes and behaviors, increasing efficiency and productivity, pressure for accountability, economic and financial sustainability. Recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown that healthcare systems have to be ready to face emergency as well. However, the pandemic has resulted in more resources into healthcare system, in order to meet new healthcare needs, it means increasing responsibility in terms of management, organization and accountability to assure efficiency, quality and sustainability of care for the entire populations.
In this context, the importance of managing resources and services in a valuable way considering all the stakeholders and the complexity of the public healthcare systems arise.
One of the tools that could support managers in the paradigm shift toward value-based healthcare approach which require the integration of different perspectives as well as different dimensions is a comprehensive performance measurement system (Chapter 1). The tool developed is called stave and, as the musical stave, it promotes the vision of the patient’s pathway by breaking down the barriers between the different settings of care and professionals involved. The identification of value as a key objective of a health system requires that performance measurement systems increasingly assess the ability of organizations to make decisions and implement actions that create and deliver value for the target population. This objective, according to the value-based theory, can be reach only providing the right care to those who could benefit most from it.
Meanwhile, it is necessary to consider the financial sustainability of the healthcare system and how resources are “managed” within a care pathway. In this context, it becomes relevant assessing the cost related to chronic conditions, considering both direct and indirect types, as well as their short and long-term consequences among patients. Increase awareness among managers, healthcare professionals, patients and policymakers regarding resource consumption, avoidable cost and eventual reallocation toward preventive strategies is the goal of a Value Based Healthcare system as mentioned in Chapter 2. Finally, Chapter 3, through a mixed method study address the issue of translating Value Based Healthcare theory into practice, investigating how a new performance management system, as the one developed within the Italian experience and presented in Chapter 1, can help and lead managers. The tool to visualize the performance of care pathways, the stave, indeed, is a managerial instrument that can be used to boost the motivation of health professionals starting from the identification of best performers throughout a typical patient’s pathway. In other words, modeling the best performers’ behavior is the key element to guarantee the standardization of the process in order to replicate it in another context.
In conclusion, building a value-based healthcare system is challenging for managers and administrations. Enhancing value for the system, people, society and, at the same time, being sustainable and equitable in the allocation of resources requires multiple approaches and competences. Therefore, as demonstrated in this work, managers should use different managerial tools in order to pursue the value-based healthcare theory into practice.