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L'ABBATE,SERENATrastuzumab-induced cardiotoxicity in diverse mouse models: role of pre-existing cardiac dysfunction and efficacy of a combined beta-blocker and ACE inhibitor therapyDottorato2024Mixed
LA ROCCA,VERONICAThe role of N-Acylethanolamine Acid Amidase in the replication and maturation of ss(+) RNA viruses.Dottorato2023Mixed
LABRIOLA,DIEGOThe Artificial Intelligence in the judicial system: the predictive justice in Italy Master di Primo Livello2020unrestricted
LACCHEI,ALICEJudges deciding on asylum. An ethnographic research in the Civil Court of FlorenceCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2020unrestricted
LADERA CARMONA,MARIA JOSEmiRNA communication between plantsDottorato2018unrestricted
LAKEW,BASAZEN FANTAHUNGenotypic and phenotypic diversity in Ethiopian barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp hordeum) farmer varieties based on morphologic and molecular markersDottorato2021unrestricted
LAMONICA,ALESSANDRO GIOVANNICulture, Diplomacy, and Power: The French and British Models of Cultural Diplomacy in the Early Twenty-First CenturyPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
LANCIANO,FRANCESCAPiano di fattibilità per il coordinamento produttivo e di mercato tra le aziende appartenenti all’Associazione Vignaioli di San MiniatoMaster univ. I liv.2018unrestricted
LANDOLFI,LORENZOVision Based Intelligent Systems to Monitor People's Behaviour and PerceptionDottorato2019unrestricted
LANINI,MARGHERITAAbstentionism and Class Divides in ItalyCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2023unrestricted
LANOTTE,FRANCESCOAdaptive Dynamics Movement Primitives, a control framework for wearable roboticsDottorato2021unrestricted
LASSI,MICHAELIdentification and evaluation of EEG markers for the diagnosis and prognosis of neural clinical conditionsDottorato2024Mixed
LATTANZI,UMBERTOcrisi del costituzionalismo e abuso dell'identitàCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2021unrestricted
LAVILLA,MIKELA platform in yeast to understand oxygen sensing mechanisms in higher eukaryotesDottorato2022Mixed
LAZZERI,GIULIAThe process dimension of smart specialisation: social and political challenges to the regional decision-making in EuropePerfezionamento2017unrestricted
LEALI,MARCOCardiac effects of left-sided vagotomy in minipigs: preliminary data and comparison with vagal nerve cuff recordingsCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 6 Anni2021unrestricted
LEMBO,LEONARDOA Photonics based Multiple Input Multiple Output Coherent Radar Network for Maritime Surveillance and High Resolution ApplicationsDottorato2020unrestricted
LENI,ERICASmall Farmers and the Land Rights-Agroecology Nexus - The Role of International Soft Law in Myanmar Land TenureDottorato2021unrestricted
LEONE,ALESSANDROCombined valvular procedure in minimally invasive cardiac surgeryMaster univ. II liv.2019unrestricted
LEONI,FEDERICOLegume selection for living mulches in Mediterranean integrated weed management cropping systemsDottorato2021unrestricted
LEONTIEV,LUCIAReframing Jurisdiction and Extraterritoriality in International Law. The Case of Territorial Non-State EntitiesDottorato2023Mixed
LEYLAVI SHOUSHTARI,ALIA Unified Hierarchical Framework for Motion Planning and Control of Anthropomorphic Robotic Manipulators: an Intended Application of Physical Human-Robot Interaction to RehabilitationPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
LIBERI,SILVIA"No more Morias": The EU migration policy and its impact on the reception conditions of RIC Lesvos in terms of their compliance with Human RightsMaster di Primo Livello2021unrestricted
LIISTRO,FRANCESCOExtremely high deployment of an undersized TAVI prostesis to treat heavily calcified bicuspid aortic valve Master univ. II liv.2018unrestricted
LIUZZI,PIERGIUSEPPEPatient stratification and prognosis of consciousness disorders: theory-based markers and machine learning modelsDottorato2024Mixed
LIVERANI,DAVIDEPrivate Equity and value creation in target firms Performance and dimension: an empirical approachCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2021unrestricted
LIVOLSI,CHIARADesign and clinical testing of new control strategies for an hip exoskeleton for individuals with moderate gait impairments.Dottorato2022Mixed
LO CONTE,GIACOMOBetween technology and policy: the effects of S3 strategies on European manufactureCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2021unrestricted
LO PRETI,MATTEODistributed soft sensing for tactile-driven interaction in natural and artificial systemsDottorato2023Mixed
LOGLI,CARLOTTALa Carbon Footprint del Visual Merchandising di Bulgari: analisi dei materiali e dei trasporti.Master di Secondo Livello2021Mixed
LOLINI,EDOARDOExperience in Customer Experience. Data mining applications in an airline company. Master univ. II liv.2019unrestricted
LOMBARDI D'AQUINO,UMBERTO MARIARuolo della TC coronarica nel paziente con sospetta CAD Master di Secondo Livello2021unrestricted
LOMBARDO,ISABELLAInternalization and intracellular fate of hyaluronic acid‐coated chitosan nanoparticles in cultured cancer cells growth at physiological pH.Dottorato2022unrestricted
LONGHINI,ARTURO ALESSANDROAccoglienza, il biglietto di presentazione delle aziende vitivinicole: il caso Ornellaia.Master univ. I liv.2018unrestricted
LONGO,GIOVANNIDistal balloon-expandable aortic valve embolization during a valve-in-valve procedureMaster univ. II liv.2018unrestricted
LONGO,MATTEOHuman rights and climate change: new developments from the Committee on the Rights of the Child?Corso Ordinario Secondo Livello2023unrestricted
LORE,SILVIASmart working nell’era della digitalizzazione post-Covid: da soluzione d’emergenza a strategia per la sostenibilitàMaster di Secondo Livello2020unrestricted
LORENZETTI,ELISAExploiting diversity in organic lentil (Lens culinaris) cultivation: germplasm collection and cultivar mixturesDottorato2023Mixed
LORENZON,LUCREZIAAn innovative compliant mechanism for a soft pump: towards a soft robotic artificial heart ventricleDottorato2023Mixed
LORINI,ILARIALa cantina di Roberto Cipresso a Montalcino e il suo modo di vincere la concorrenza. Master di Primo Livello2022unrestricted
LOSANNO,ELENAHand neuroprostheses based on intrafascicular stimulation: preclinical validation and tools to promote clinical translationDottorato2023Mixed
LUCCHESE,MARCOImballaggi in Plastica - Implementazione di un nuovo servizio di raccolta dedicato per la frazione di rifiuti assimilati da imballaggi in plastica, prodotti dalle utenze non domestiche: i driver del progetto e implementazione nel Giro DinamicoMaster di Secondo Livello2019unrestricted
LUCCI,VALERIO MASSIMILIANOCaso di filo guida intrappolato complicato da frattura di guida e deformazione di stent. PCI di recupero OCT mediata.Master univ. II liv.2019unrestricted
LUNARDI,FILIPPOConsorzio Vini Terre di Pisa Master di Primo Livello2021unrestricted
LUNGU,DANIEL ADRIANManaging performance in Healthcare organisations: Tools, strategies and policy implications Perfezionamento2019unrestricted
LUNNI,DARIOSmart Materials and Manufacturing Technologies for Soft SystemsDottorato2020unrestricted
LUPORINI,RICCARDOAdapting to climate change and reducing the risk of climate-related disasters: The role of international human rights lawDottorato2021unrestricted