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PACE,CHIARAThe extent to which criminalisation and partial criminalisation damage the right to health of sex workers: A case for decriminalisation and legalisation?Master di Primo Livello2021unrestricted
PACIFICO,ILARIAOccupational exoskeletons: removing barriers to their large scale adoptionDottorato2022Mixed
PAGANI,MARCOEnabling predictable hardware acceleration in heterogeneous SoC-FPGA computing platformsDottorato2020unrestricted
PAGANO,LUIGIAnalisi dei Sistemi di Monitoraggio Emissioni in Atmosfera della Eni S.p.A. Raffineria di TarantoMaster di Secondo Livello2021unrestricted
PAJERO,MICHELEDiplomazia culturale tra Italia e Stati Uniti durante la guerra freddaCorsi integrativi di II livello2019unrestricted
PALAGI,ELISAThe complexity and multidimensionality of economic inequality: four essaysDottorato2022Mixed
PALLANTE,GIANLUCAThree essays on macroeconomic policyDottorato2021unrestricted
PALLAORO,EMANUELEThermal transient modeling for PTS scenariosCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022unrestricted
PALUMBO,VINCENZODouble trouble: transapical valve in valve therapy in high risk patientMaster univ. II liv.2019unrestricted
PANE,STEFANOAdvanced Ultrasound Imaging Techniques for Monitoring and Controlling Microrobots in TissuesDottorato2022Mixed
PANICHELLA,GIORGIANon-invasive assessment of left ventricular hemodynamics in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: pathophysiological insights and impact of myosin inhibitor treatmentCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 6 Anni2023Mixed
PANNOCCHI,LUIGIHandling the design complexity of Cyber-Physical SystemsDottorato2018unrestricted
PANVINI,FRANCESCA MARGHERITAEx vivo study of the human haematopoietic stem cell niche and generation of humanized ossicles in miceDottorato2020Mixed
PANZANO,GUIDOPlural Democracies: A Comparative Inquiry on Institutions and Performances of Majoritarian and Power-Sharing Ethnically Divided DemocraciesCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2020unrestricted
PAOLINI,EMILIOAI in NextG Networks: from Neuromorphic Hardware to ApplicationsDottorato2024unrestricted
PAPAPICCO,VITOInnovative control solutions for wearable robotics using machine learningDottorato2021unrestricted
PAPERINI,GIOVANNICaccia al Piano: comunicare valore tramite l’ospitalitàMaster di Primo Livello2022unrestricted
PAPINI,GAIARole of the exosomes on the epigenetic modulation of myocardial plasticity in a rodent model of myocardial infarctionPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
PAPINI,NICOLALa riduzione dei rifiuti ed i progetti di responsabilità sociale d’impresaMaster univ. II liv.2018unrestricted
PARDOSSI,SIMONEBreaking Through the Barriers of Treatment-Resistant Depression: A Multi-Dimensional and Symptom-Based Examination of the Effectiveness of Ketamine and Esketamine TherapiesCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 6 Anni2023Mixed
PARDUCCI,FILIPPO MARIA La rappresentanza di interessi del Terzo settore. Il caso specifico del procedimento di approvazione del Decreto correttivo 3 agosto 2018, n. 105Corsi integrativi di I livello2018unrestricted
PARESCHI,ANDREATwo approaches to the assessment of opinion congruence: Elite-mass gaps on the EU issue in France and in the United Kingdom Perfezionamento2019unrestricted
PARISI,FRANCESCOIl Progetto di Corporate Risk Assessment di Gaia SpA: un approccio olistico alla gestione del rischioMaster di Secondo Livello2021unrestricted
PARRI,ANDREADesign, development and validation of control architectures for lower-limb wearable robots Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
PARRI,ANDREAResource Reservation and Memory Ordering in the Linux KernelDottorato2018unrestricted
PARRINI,CHIARAConsulenza & Project Management in Illogic Srl: analisi di casi operativiMaster univ. II liv.2019unrestricted
PARTIPILO,FRANCESCA ROMANAThe maritime frontiers of International Law: the human rights obligations of NGOs operating search and rescue at seaDottorato2023unrestricted
PARZIALE,ANDREACivil liability and Regulation in The European Market for Unauthorized Uses of MedicinesPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
PASQUINI,MARIAMultimodal systems for upper limb neurorehabilitation in animal modelsDottorato2021unrestricted
PASTORE,FABIOTranscatheter closure of patent foramen ovale for secondary prevention in paradoxical embolism: a case reportMaster univ. II liv.2019unrestricted
PASTORMERLO,LUIGI EMILIORenal sympathetic denervation for cardioprotection after acute myocardial infarction: a preclinical study.Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
PATERNO,LINDAPhysical Human Machine Interfaces for Lower Limb ProsthesesDottorato2020unrestricted
PATRICIO,BARBARA GOMESImportance of the Gut-Liver Axis on Lipid Metabolism: Implications in the Pathogenesis of Obesity-Related Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseDottorato2021unrestricted
PATTI,AURORAIl riconoscimento del locus standi delle Regioni davanti alla Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione europea come strumento di risoluzione del deficit democratico Corso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2022unrestricted
PAUDICE,NUNZIAL'ipertensione nefrovascolare: ruolo dell'ecografiaMaster univ. II liv.2017unrestricted
PAZZAGLIA,PAOLOPerformance-Driven Design for Control and Scheduling in Real-Time SystemsDottorato2020unrestricted
PECCHIONI,GIOVANNIA field study for Mediterranean lowlands: assessment of a silvoarable alley-cropping system for feed and fuel productionDottorato2021unrestricted
PEDEMONTE,ELENA"Vecchio e nuovo" nel trattamento delle lesioni coronariche calcifiche. Revisione delle tecnologie a nostra disposizione e caso clinicoMaster univ. II liv.2019unrestricted
PELLEGRINI,CHIARACorporate sustainability: an analysis of organisational antecedents and pro-sustainability behaviourPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
PELLEGRINI,EDOARDOPolitics of technical standard-setting: China vis-à-vis the European UnionCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2021Mixed
PELLEGRINI,FERNANDOWheat-Persian clover temporary intercropping for wheat quality and weed management. A Participatory Learning and Action Research projectPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
PELLEGRINI,FRANCESCOApplicazione e gestione del marketing mix vitivinicolo all’interno della Società Agricola Le Palaie, Peccioli (PI)Master di Primo Livello2020unrestricted
PELUSO,FEDERICAAnalisi di impatto dell’operatività del d.lgs. n. 254/2016 in merito alla rendicontazione non finanziaria: il caso Alia S.p.A.Master univ. II liv.2017unrestricted
PENNONI,PAOLONumerical simulations of a windkessel systemCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2023Mixed
PENNUCCI,FRANCESCAEXPLORING VALUE CREATION PROCESSES IN HEALTHCARE. People, mechanisms, outcomes.Perfezionamento2019unrestricted
PENNUCCI,NICOLOPopulist Parties in Government: The case of the Conte I Government in Italy Corsi integrativi di II livello2019unrestricted
PEPERONI,EMANUELEDevelopment and experimental verification of novel wearable robots for post-traumatic hand rehabilitationDottorato2023Mixed
PERALI,SILVIALinee guida per la definizione di progetti di cooperazione internazionale per la gestione integrata dei rifiutiMaster di Secondo Livello2019Mixed
PEREIRA,DEBORAA human/worker-centered framework and bio-inspired control strategies for foodservice robotsDottorato2021Mixed
PEREIRA,MAYARA LUIZAThe governance of food safety as a paradigm for businesses and human rights: lessons and challengesDottorato2022Mixed
PERFETTI,MATTEOTrattamento di una biforcazione calcifica associata a severa tortuosità del ramo discendente anteriore mediante litoplastica coronarica Master univ. II liv.2019unrestricted
PERGOLINI,ANDREADesign and experimental verification of assistive strategies for wearable lower-limb technologies - Applications’ in post-stroke patients and individuals with Parkinson’s disease and limb-amputationDottorato2023Mixed
PERILLO,DAVIDModelling and Simulation of Embedded Systems with Formal Languages and Virtual PlatformsDottorato2017unrestricted
PERTOSA,SAVERIO PIOEBLUP Area-level methods for estimating poverty at local levelCorsi integrativi di II livello2018unrestricted
PERUZZI,SARAStructural insight into PNKD functionPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
PESCETELLI,IRENEContributo dell’imaging intracoronarico nello studio e nel trattamento delle dissezioni coronariche spontanee. Master univ. II liv.2019unrestricted
PETRUCCO,GIACOMOChinese Investments in italyCorsi integrativi di II livello2019Mixed
PETRUCCO,NICOLAIl dibattitto pubblico in ItaliaCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2022Mixed
PETRUSO,FLAVIACombining EEG and fMRI to characterize maturation-dependent changes in the cortical and subcortical correlates of sleep slow wavesCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 6 Anni2022Mixed
PEZZINI,ILARIACerium oxide nanoparticles: a powerful nanotechnological tool in modulating reactive oxygen species detrimental effects.Dottorato2020Mixed
PIAZZA,GAIASoil carbon and microbial diversity under conservation management practicesPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
PICARDI,GIACOMOA bio-inspired approach to underwater legged roboticsPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
PICCININI,LUCAEngineering synthetic sensors and responses in plant to uncover physiological and stress-related responsesDottorato2022Mixed
PICCOLINO,GIANLUCAPopulism, Radicalism, and Extremism: Disentangling the War of Words in Western EuropePerfezionamento2020unrestricted
PIERATTINI,ERIKA CARLAEffects of Xenobiotics on PoplarPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
PIERI,ALICERegulatory non-coding RNAs: an explorative study from wild grasses to wheatPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
PIERI,PIETROTrattamento interventistico percutaneo in un raro caso di anomalia coronaricaMaster univ. II liv.2019unrestricted
PIEROZZI,FILIPPOData Power Europe GDPR Jurisdictional Reach and the bid for an international unilateral standard Corsi integrativi di II livello2018unrestricted
PIGATTO,GIACOMOA critical reflection on the recent developments in voluntary corporate non-financial and sustainability reporting and disclosure: Lessons learnt from research on integrated reporting adoption in practiceDottorato2022Mixed
PIGNATARO LOPEZ,ADRIANPolitical Participation in Latin America: A Comparative Analysis of Its Determinants and ImplicationsPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
PIGNATELLI,DANIELASynthesis and functionalization of innovative nanomaterials for biomedical applicationsPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
PINNA,LAURAAssessment of motor function in Parkinson disease: study and development of algorithms and mobile solutionsPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
PINTI,MASSIMILIANOL'insolubile tipicità della bancarotta fraudolenta patrimoniale tra nuove armonie e permanenti aporieCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2020unrestricted
PIOTTO,ALESSANDRO MARIALa disciplina penale in materia di rifiuti tra legislazione italiana ed europea e l'emergenza ecomafiePerfezionamento2017unrestricted
PIQUE',FRANCESCOModel-free control approaches for soft robotsDottorato2023Mixed
PIRAZZI MAFFIOLA,KEVINEvidence on the effects of ownership, control, and board characteristics on firms’ environmental orientationDottorato2024unrestricted
PIRRI,SALVATOREHarnessing Big Data to track and manage medication adherence: A novel data-driven approach. Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
PIRRONE,SERENA ROSA MARIAInvestigating the Optimal Design of Bioinspired Digging Robots for Earth and Space Soil Exploration Dottorato2024unrestricted
PIZZINO,FAUSTOPlasma exosomes and circulating exosomal miR-21 and miR-133a are associated with reverse remodeling in patients with severe primary mitral regurgitation undergoing to surgical repairDottorato2020unrestricted
POLACKOVA,LUCIAExploring the nexus between the right to food and food wastagePerfezionamento2018unrestricted
POLIDORO,ADRIANOInnovation in Thales Alenia Space’s Chief Financial OfficeMaster di Secondo Livello2020Mixed
POLIZZI,GIUSEPPE ANDREAAiuti di Stato nel post-pandemia: next-generation soft law.Corso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2023unrestricted
PORFIDO,STEFANORestorative justice for corporate environmental harm ex crimine. A transformative justice? Dottorato2023unrestricted
PRASANNA,SAHANANeuromorphic tactile and haptic augmented perception for humans and machineDottorato2020unrestricted
PRASETYANINGRUM,PUTRITemporal and carbon dependent patterns in gibberellin biosynthesis and growth Dottorato2019unrestricted
PRATTI DOS SANTOS MAGIOLI,GUILHERMEThe legal façade of the contemporary technique phenomenon: law, environment and the quest for adaptationDottorato2023Mixed
PREITE,MASSIMO VALERIODesign and characterization of Silicon Photonics components for Data and Telecom applicationsDottorato2018unrestricted
PRESTIA,ILENIAIl ruolo del marketing in una realtà pluriarticolata come Domini CastellareMaster di Primo Livello2020Mixed
PRETNER CALORE,GAIAEmbedding the Circular Economy paradigm into business, strategy and operations - Empirical findings on both the industry's and consumers' perspectivePerfezionamento2019unrestricted
PRINCIPATO,ANTONIOShareholder activism e doveri di condotta degli investitori istituzionaliPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
PUCCI,CECILIALoss of function of the autism risk gene setd5 leads to neurotransmission-associated gene alterations and social impairments in zebrafishPerfezionamento2019Mixed
PULEO,LEONARDOChallenger Parties in Europe: A Comparative AnalysisDottorato2021unrestricted
PUTZER,ALEXRights of Urban Nature. How to Apply a Non-Anthropocentric Ethic to an Anthropogenic World Dottorato2024Mixed
PYANKOVA,OLGA VLADIMIROVNAStudy of the effect of gravitational loading variations of human dermal capillary endothelial cells – towards understanding the exploitability of gravity force as a therapeutic treatmentPerfezionamento2018unrestricted