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AHUMADA,GERMAN DARIORice seed germination underwater: a role for endophytic bacteriaDottorato2023Mixed
AL-GHILAN,WALEED MUSTAFA ALITransitory sensory feedback for upper-limb prosthesisDottorato2023Mixed
ALESSANDRIA,LUCA"Il rinvio pregiudiziale alla Corte di giustizia nel sistema giurisdizionale amministrativo: profili processuali"Corso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2023unrestricted
ALMANZA,SALVATORE RICCARDOCrisi energetica: il mercato europeo sotto la tempesta perfetta ed il fallimento dei rimedi tradizionaliCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2023unrestricted
AMADIO,ALANL'esercizio della potestà punitiva globale e la creazione di un Tribunale Speciale per il crimine di aggressione contro l'UcrainaCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2023unrestricted
AMATO,LORENZOWhole body control of a 6-DOF lower-limb exoskeletonCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2023Mixed
AMATO,RACHELEDelivery of a reliable cell-based assay for autophagy-related drug discovery studyDottorato2023Mixed
AMOROSO,ALESSANDRO MARIOState Support for Armed Groups Under International Law. Strenghtening Compliance trough Primary normsDottorato2023Mixed
ARA,GABRIELEOS Mechanisms for Energy-Efficient Real-Time and High-Performance Networking ApplicationsDottorato2023Mixed
ARCIDIACONO,MYRIAMApplication of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in sustainable agricultureDottorato2023Mixed
ARIAN,SHABAHANGFundamental Principles-Based Framework for the Evaluation of (S)ARsDottorato2023Mixed
ARICÒ,ROBERTA MARIABeyond emergency: Evaluating the influence of different residence permits on the long-term integration of trafficking survivors in Italy and Belgium Corso Ordinario Secondo Livello2023Mixed
AROMOLO,FEDERICOScheduling and analysis of parallel software in multiprocessor real-time systemsDottorato2023unrestricted
ASSEFA,ANDEBET HAILUHierarchical Environmental Holism: Advancing the Intergenerational Realm of Environmental Justice through Intrinsic Value Dottorato2023Mixed
BARIS,GABRIELEHigh-Level Perception for Intelligent TransportationDottorato2023Mixed
BARONI,CARLOTTABrain-Heart Axis Dysfunction Modeling: from Characterization to Nutraceutical TreatmentDottorato2023Mixed
BARTOLETTI,EDOARDOEmbedding plastic concern into individual behaviors and corporate operations: an empirical analysis on both companies' and consumers' perspective Dottorato2023Mixed
BAZZANI,ANDREARhythms of decisions. New insights into consumer neuroscience.Dottorato2023Mixed
BEDEIR,NURApelisib and insulin resistance, a pilot and feasibility studyCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 6 Anni2023Mixed
BEL ARACHE,ZAHRAA Gender Perspective on Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration: When Women (and Girls) are not only Victims but also Agents of ViolenceCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2023Mixed
BELENLI,MELIKESmart Organic Nanostructures against Neurological DiseasesDottorato2023Mixed
BELTRAMI,SARAthe role of iodine in plant nutrition and stress protectionDottorato2023Mixed
BEZ,CHARLOTTE SOPHIAEssays on the Political Economy of the Environment A Just Transition for the Left-Behind?Dottorato2023Mixed
BORGIOLI,NICCOLÒTowards safe and secure communication in Cyber-Physical SystemsDottorato2023Mixed
BORROMEO,JUSTINE CRISProgrammable Hardware Acceleration in 2D and 3D 5G NetworksDottorato2023unrestricted
BOSIO,CARLORobotic Grasping of Rocky Surfaces: Analysis of a Gripper With Microspines for Planetary ExplorationCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2023Mixed
BRUNELLO,LUCAenvironmental and local hypoxia in Arabidopsis thalianaDottorato2023Mixed
BURJANADZE,GIADelayed administration of pro-regenerative miR-199a after myocardial infarction: efficacy versus untoward effects Dottorato2023unrestricted
BURLON,TOMMASOAdding multiple feature to the emulation tool of distributed system distwalkCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2023unrestricted
CARMIGNANI,ALESSIOA new generation of multi-tool biodegradable platform for biomedical applicationsDottorato2023Mixed
CAVALLINI,ELENAUnveiling the multifaceted roles of PP-InsPs beyond phosphate homeostasisCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2023Mixed
CAVALLO,AIDA3D bioprinting of a fibrinogen-based bioink for a bi-layer skin substitute.Dottorato2023Mixed
CHIANCA,MICHELAComparative prognostic assessment of right ventricular function indexes in heart failureCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 6 Anni2023Mixed
CIANCIA,SABRINANovel technological solutions to engineer anatomic pathology processesDottorato2023Mixed
CLEMENTONI CHERUBINI,AGNESEAmbiente e sostenibilità nel diritto europeo dei consumatori. La proposta di direttiva sui green claimsCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2023unrestricted
COMETA,ANDREAAdvanced statistical frameworks to uncover the electrophysiological correlates of syntactic processingDottorato2023Mixed
CRESTI,LORENZOInternational division of labour, knowledge flows and productive capabilities: an Input-Output analysisDottorato2023Mixed
CULICCHIA,MARIA ALESSANDRAIl Decreto Whistleblowing tra nuovi obblighi, opportunità e sfideCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2023Mixed
D'AVELLA,SALVATORERobotic Grasping and Manipulation: Perception, Planning, and Control for Industry 4.0 and Logistics.Dottorato2023Mixed
DA ROS,ALESSANDRADesigning Organizational Change Management: determinants, choice architecture and implementation in healthcare Dottorato2023Mixed
DE PAOLIS,ROBERTADealing with the Deals: Settlement Agreements for National and International Corporate Bribery Dottorato2023unrestricted
DE PASCALI,CORRADODesign of soft robotic manipulators inspired by the elephant trunk Dottorato2023Mixed
DELLA MAGGIORA,LORENZOMechanisms of abiotic stress response in Populus sppDottorato2023Mixed
DI LEONARDI,SANDROAddressing Security and Real-Time Constraints in Embedded SoftwareDottorato2023unrestricted
DIOTALEVI,LUCAEpicardial adipose tissue across heart failure phenotypes, a focus on cardiac amyloidosisCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 6 Anni2023Mixed
FARA,PIETROImproving safety and security on real-time safety-critical systemsDottorato2023unrestricted
FARNÉ,NICOLÒEuropeanisation and Design Spaces: the case of Youth Guarantee in ItalyCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2023Mixed
FILL,ALICEThe ECOWAS and its Court of Justice: assessing developments and challenges on free movement and migrationCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2023Mixed
FILOSA,MARIANGELAHaptic sensing and feedback of biomechanical informationDottorato2023Mixed
FRUZZETTI,LORENZONeural-Inspired Motor Control and Adaptation: From Biological Systems to Soft RoboticsDottorato2023unrestricted
GALASSO,ALBERTOBrevetti essenziali e regolazione: nuovi modelli per vecchie questioniCorso Ordinario Primo Livello2023Mixed
GASPARELLO,TOMMASOThe effect of Cobimetinib on gene and protein expression in the K562 Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia cell lineCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 6 Anni2023Mixed
GASPARINI,SIMONEMultiorgan manifestations of COL4A1 and COL4A2 variants and proposal for a clinical management protocolCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 6 Anni2023Mixed
GERMANO,ROCCO PIERPAOLOBiodiversity as a Source for High-Throughput ScreeningDottorato2023Mixed
GHIGI,ANDREAThe regulation of ascorbic acid by blue light receptorsCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2023Mixed
GILLI,LORENZOOptical Wireless Communication: an innovative technology for data transmission in satellitesDottorato2023unrestricted
GIONFRIDDO,GIANLUCABusiness exists to serve society: the regenerative role of purpose-driven companies in contemporary capitalism Dottorato2023Mixed
GÓMEZ ÁLVAREZ,EVA MARÍAGermination of barley after submergence: a genetics and a microbiome approachDottorato2023Mixed
GOTTI,GIAMMARIALa democrazia e i partiti politici nell'Unione europea. Prospettive di diritto costituzionaleDottorato2023unrestricted
HERRERA ALARCON,EDWIN PAULAutonomous vision-based drone navigation in GNSS-denied environmentsDottorato2023Mixed
IANNICIELLO,VALERIOTowards a Myokinetic Interface for Prosthetic Control An Embedded Real-Time Multi-Magnet LocalizerDottorato2023Mixed
KHANNA,MANAVThe potential contribution of circular economy strategies to climate change mitigation and adaptation.Dottorato2023unrestricted
KIROS,AFEWERKI YOHANNESApproaching the identification of grain yield components controlling genes in durum wheatDottorato2023Mixed
KOSKEY,GILBERTEffects of vermicomposting and relay intercropping on plant-soil-microbial interactions and associated agroecosystem servicesDottorato2023Mixed
LA ROCCA,VERONICAThe role of N-Acylethanolamine Acid Amidase in the replication and maturation of ss(+) RNA viruses.Dottorato2023Mixed
LANINI,MARGHERITAAbstentionism and Class Divides in ItalyCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2023unrestricted
LEONTIEV,LUCIAReframing Jurisdiction and Extraterritoriality in International Law. The Case of Territorial Non-State EntitiesDottorato2023Mixed
LO PRETI,MATTEODistributed soft sensing for tactile-driven interaction in natural and artificial systemsDottorato2023Mixed
LONGO,MATTEOHuman rights and climate change: new developments from the Committee on the Rights of the Child?Corso Ordinario Secondo Livello2023unrestricted
LORENZETTI,ELISAExploiting diversity in organic lentil (Lens culinaris) cultivation: germplasm collection and cultivar mixturesDottorato2023Mixed
LORENZON,LUCREZIAAn innovative compliant mechanism for a soft pump: towards a soft robotic artificial heart ventricleDottorato2023Mixed
LOSANNO,ELENAHand neuroprostheses based on intrafascicular stimulation: preclinical validation and tools to promote clinical translationDottorato2023Mixed
MANGONI,LORENZOSmall is beautiful? A new look at the industry structure and dynamicsCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2023Mixed
MARTINEZ,MARCOFour Essays on Human Capital and Innovation: at the origins of Italian uneven development, 1815-1914Dottorato2023Mixed
MASIERO,FEDERICOThe Myokinetic Interface: magnetic tracking and actuation for the restoration of dexterous control and proprioceptive feedback in transradial amputeesDottorato2023Mixed
MAZZEI,JULIAEssays on the Economics of Patents: Post-grant review, disclosure and firms' strategiesDottorato2023Mixed
MAZZEO,ANGELAGrasping and manipulation for marine sample collectionDottorato2023Mixed
MAZZOTTA,ARIANNADevelopment and characterization of flexible thermally actuated electronic devicesDottorato2023Mixed
MELCHIORI,EDOARDOCircular Performances and Collaborative Innovation practices along supply chains: the moderating role of DigitalizationCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2023unrestricted
MENEGHETTI,NICOLÒGamma oscillations in mouse primary visual cortex as a biomarker of pathological conditionsDottorato2023Mixed
MENGOZZI,ALESSANDROTargeting epigenetic changes in cardiometabolic diseasesDottorato2023Mixed
MEZZANOTTE,GIULIAFrom Innovation to Integration: A Case Study of Digital Health Technologies in the Trentino Healthcare SystemCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2023Mixed
MIGNUCCI,VALERIOCharacterization of the effects of hypergravity on tau aggregation in a neuronal cell model in vitro.Dottorato2023Mixed
MOHAMMAD,HASAN DAD ANSARINovel Magnetic Technologies For Endovascular ApplicationsDottorato2023Mixed
MOLTEDO,ADELEBorder imaginaries in Calais: everyday practices and narratives of resistanceCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2023unrestricted
MONTEBOVI,ELENAJob quality and wage distribution: Italy and US in comparisonCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2023unrestricted
NOCENTINI,OLIVIAStudy and development of AI-based approaches for cloth manipulation capabilitiesDottorato2023Mixed
ORSITTO,DAVIDEVarieties of Equality in European Welfare States Dottorato2023Mixed
PANICHELLA,GIORGIANon-invasive assessment of left ventricular hemodynamics in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: pathophysiological insights and impact of myosin inhibitor treatmentCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 6 Anni2023Mixed
PARDOSSI,SIMONEBreaking Through the Barriers of Treatment-Resistant Depression: A Multi-Dimensional and Symptom-Based Examination of the Effectiveness of Ketamine and Esketamine TherapiesCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 6 Anni2023Mixed
PARTIPILO,FRANCESCA ROMANAThe maritime frontiers of International Law: the human rights obligations of NGOs operating search and rescue at seaDottorato2023unrestricted
PENNONI,PAOLONumerical simulations of a windkessel systemCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2023Mixed
PEPERONI,EMANUELEDevelopment and experimental verification of novel wearable robots for post-traumatic hand rehabilitationDottorato2023Mixed
PERGOLINI,ANDREADesign and experimental verification of assistive strategies for wearable lower-limb technologies - Applications’ in post-stroke patients and individuals with Parkinson’s disease and limb-amputationDottorato2023Mixed
PIQUE',FRANCESCOModel-free control approaches for soft robotsDottorato2023Mixed
POLIZZI,GIUSEPPE ANDREAAiuti di Stato nel post-pandemia: next-generation soft law.Corso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2023unrestricted
PORFIDO,STEFANORestorative justice for corporate environmental harm ex crimine. A transformative justice? Dottorato2023unrestricted
PRATTI DOS SANTOS MAGIOLI,GUILHERMEThe legal façade of the contemporary technique phenomenon: law, environment and the quest for adaptationDottorato2023Mixed
QUAGLIERINI,JACOPOFrom buckling springs to pneumatic artificial muscles: analytical and computational study of tubular braided meshes made of helical fibersDottorato2023Mixed
QUATTRONE,FILIPPOAssessing the performance of the heart failure pathway in regional healthcare systems: towards a data-driven, patient-centered approachDottorato2023Mixed
RASTELLI,AMELIAPlatform Markets e Digital Markets ActCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2023unrestricted
REGOLI,IACOPOExperimental Study of Boiling: Effect of artificial cavity on the microlayer and contact line dynamics at bubble growth in nucleate boilingCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2023Mixed
REN,XUYANGSoft Robotic Devices for Endoluminal Diagnosis and InterventionDottorato2023Mixed
RIEHAKAINEN,LEONUsing positron emission tomography and ultrasound photoacoustic imaging for in vivo assessment of the effect of biodegradable magnesium and permanent titanium implants on bone and soft tissue healingDottorato2023unrestricted
RUGHI,TOMMASOEssays on technological evolution and socio-economic impacts under climate changeDottorato2023Mixed
RUSSO,BRUNO MARIALa tutela del lavoro negli appalti pubbliciCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2023unrestricted
SANTINI,GIULIOPer un inquadramento del Consiglio europeo quale "capo di Unione"Corso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2023Mixed
SCANO,DAVIDEProgrammable Data Plane for Disaggregated Optical NetworksDottorato2023unrestricted
SCISSA,CHIARARethinking international refugee law and EU asylum law to protect against disaster displacement. Moving from the causes of flight to standards of underlying harm. Dottorato2023Mixed
SERRA,GABRIELEMechanisms for safe and secure mixed-criticality real-time embedded systemsDottorato2023Mixed
SHAHABISHALGHOUNI,EBRAHIMOctopus-inspired Technologies for Blind Grasping and Manipulation of Unknown ObjectsDottorato2023Mixed
SICA,ATTILIOTimeline of pain causes in children with severe neurologic impairmentCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 6 Anni2023Mixed
SORO,EMANUELE"Il ritorno del bosco: una revisione sistematica sugli impatti socioeconomici, climatico-ambientali e paesaggistici della transizione forestale"Corso Ordinario Secondo Livello2023Mixed
SPIESSHOEFER,JENSModulation of sympathetic nerve activity by central sleep apnea in systolic heart failureDottorato2023unrestricted
TESSIERI,LUCADanno d'organo acuto post citoriduzione e chemioterapia ipertermica intraperitonealeCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 6 Anni2023Mixed
TESTA,LORENZOUnveiling research patterns of institutions via networks and functional data: evidence from genome researchCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2023Mixed
TOMASELLI,DAVIDELa dicotomia migrante/rifugiato dal punto di vista dell’asilo SOGIESC: elementi decostruttivi del diritto dei rifugiati a livello internazionale e nel caso italianoCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2023Mixed
TOTARO,TOMMASOIntervention by Invitation in Civil Wars: Revisiting the Negative Equality PrincipleCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2023Mixed
TRUCCO,DIEGOAcellular and cell-laden biomaterials for the substitution and regeneration of osteoarticular tissuesDottorato2023Mixed
VATAVU,OCTAVIANAnalisi delle complicanze post-operatorie nella chirurgia dei bypass cerebrali: analisi retrospettivo di 100 casi Corso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 6 Anni2023Mixed
VENTURI,FILIPPODiritto penale regolatorio. Il processo di criminalizzazione nelle strategie disciplinari del new regulatory State Dottorato2023Mixed
VICARIO,GIULIAFrom olive fruit to olive oil: relation between olive abiotic stress response as well as agricultural practices and quality of fruit and oil Dottorato2023Mixed
ZEPPI,MARCOA counterfactual impact evaluation of an R&D subsidy program for the MezzogiornoCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2023Mixed