Archivio Digitale delle Tesi e degli elaborati finali elettronici


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AL-HADDAD,HIND ADIL JAAFARAdvancing Implantable Artificial Pancreas Based on Ingestible PillsDottorato2024Mixed
ALOSI,ALICEAdvancing paradox theory in the sustainability field: from a state-of-art framework to exploring Circular Economy and Industrial Symbiosis.Dottorato2024Mixed
AMODIO,MICHELE"Esclusiva brevettuale e tutela della concorrenza nel settore farmaceutico: spunti dalla casistica della Corte di Giustizia dell'Unione Europea"Corso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2024unrestricted
ANDRÉS ALPÍZAR,GUILLERMO LAZAROThe Long Road of the Cuban Biotechnology. Knowledge, Innovation, and System buildingDottorato2024Mixed
ANTICO,ANDREAThe Effect of Cognitive Biases and Market Selection on Pricing PatternsDottorato2024Mixed
ARLEO,LUCAExploiting positive pressure in jamming transition for human-oriented soft robotics applicationsDottorato2024Mixed
ARMIENTO,SERENAEnergy harvesting through spontaneous electrification of leavesDottorato2024Mixed
ASTOLFI,ANNALeveraging reduced-order models for the control of underwater and terrestrial legged robotsDottorato2024Mixed
BALLARDINI,FRANCESCALimiti e prospettive per l’adeguamento dei Trattati di Investimento di “vecchia generazione”: il ruolo delle dichiarazioni interpretativeCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2024Mixed
BERNABEI,FEDERICOA soft gripper approach with optimized monolithic actuator and sensor strategies for agricultural applicationsDottorato2024Mixed
BERNARDI,SAMUELEPolicy learning and policy change in times of crises. The case of the EU’s action against disinformationCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2024Mixed
BOSI,GIULIAThe right to mental health beyond mental disorders and disabilitiesDottorato2024Mixed
BRACCIA,ANGELASpiCE : Design, Development and Characterization of a Novel Neural InterfaceCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2024Mixed
BRAU,FABIOMethods for Certifiable Robustness of Deep Neural NetworksDottorato2024Mixed
BURINI,GIULIAStudio della comunità microbica e funginea dell’endosfera di Musa spp. cv. Dwarf CavendishCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2024Mixed
BURINI,SOFIAI diritti dei genitori lavoratori in coppie omogenitoriali in Italia e FranciaCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2024unrestricted
CAMPONESCHI,FEDERICOHybrid and Heterogeneous Photonic Integrated Circuits for Radar and Remote Sensing ApplicationsDottorato2024unrestricted
CAPAR,GURKANThe Legitimacy of International Authorities: A Reason-Based and Institutional ApproachDottorato2024Mixed
CAPULA,MJRIAMRole of microbiota in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: platelet microbiome as potential diagnostic biomarker and impact of Fusobacterium nucleatum in chemoresistance Dottorato2024Mixed
CAVALLERO,CHIARAUnderstanding Relations between Supply Chain Resilience Capabilities and Circular Economy Performance: an exploratory research in Italian FirmsCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2024unrestricted
CERAGIOLI,LUCAA survey on Linux’s thermal governorsCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2024unrestricted
COLI,FRANCESCAImplementing One Health in the EU transition to sustainable food systems: a legal and policy analysis Dottorato2024Mixed
CRICCHIO,JACOPOArtificial Intelligence in China: The role of Open Innovation, Innovation Ecosystem and Regional SpecializationDottorato2024Mixed
D'AMICO,GIANLUCAAdvancing Railway Safety and Automation: Graphic Engine Simulation for Sensory Data Generation in Railway EnvironmentsDottorato2024Mixed
DALLE LUCHE,MATTEOHeterogeneous returns on wealth in the Italian economy: the distributional consequences of differential households’ savings and investment choicesCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2024unrestricted
DE CARLO,LORENZOIl Parlamento in tempi di continua emergenza: quali prospettive per il potere legislativo a fronte delle tendenze accentratrici degli esecutivi?Corso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2024Mixed
DI FELICE,FRANCESCOGeneralizable Learning for Robotic AutonomyDottorato2024Mixed
EMAMI,SEYEDEH GELAREHA systematic approach to evaluating and enhancing resilience in healthcare systems: Bridging theory and practice in crisis management Dottorato2024Mixed
FAN,YIJIANGForecasting curves portions using motif discovery inspired methodCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2024Mixed
FEDORCZYK,FEDERICAArtificially Intelligent Criminal Justice? A policy oriented critical plea. Dottorato2024Mixed
FERRARIN,MATTEODefinizione di un protocollo per l'applicazione di biostimolanti su Cotone: il caso Grecia.Corso Ordinario Secondo Livello2024Mixed
FILIPPONE,LEONARDOMatrix Heston model estimation from historical volatilityCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2024unrestricted
FRANCAVIGLIA,PIETROEvaluating data collection technologies and monitoring systems for informed decision-makingCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2024Mixed
FRESCHI,GIULIANAThe family burden: social mobility and infant abandonment in 19th-century ItalyDottorato2024unrestricted
GALLI,FILIPPOLe trasformazioni della costituzione economica europeaCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2024Mixed
GENONI,FRANCESCORegolamento "foreign subsidies" e controllo degli investimenti esteri diretti: sinergie e conflitti nell'ambito dell'autonomia strategica apertaCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2024unrestricted
GERACI,NICOLÒPredicting yesterday: an evaluation of Dynamic Factor Models for nowcastingCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2024Mixed
GRANZIERA,FEDERICONutrition and Cognitive Development: The Lasting Role of Early-Life Gut Microbiota and Gut MetabolitesDottorato2024Mixed
GUZZARDI,DEMETRIOwarming unequal: income distribution, fiscal system, and the impact of climate change in italyDottorato2024Mixed
IBERITE,FRANCESCOA wearable Neuroprosthetics system to restore natural thermal sensations in upper limb amputees Dottorato2024Mixed
JENNES,PHILIPPUnlocking the Potential of Collaborative Robots: Adoption Dynamics and Implementation Challenges in Modern IndustryDottorato2024unrestricted
KAMARE,BEHNAMBiomechanical analysis of elephant trunk skin for future adaptive artificial skins Dottorato2024Mixed
KHAN,LAREB ZAROptimized Machine Learning Techniques for Reliability of Optical NetworksDottorato2024unrestricted
L'ABBATE,SERENATrastuzumab-induced cardiotoxicity in diverse mouse models: role of pre-existing cardiac dysfunction and efficacy of a combined beta-blocker and ACE inhibitor therapyDottorato2024Mixed
LASSI,MICHAELIdentification and evaluation of EEG markers for the diagnosis and prognosis of neural clinical conditionsDottorato2024Mixed
LIUZZI,PIERGIUSEPPEPatient stratification and prognosis of consciousness disorders: theory-based markers and machine learning modelsDottorato2024Mixed
MAGLIO,SABINAHigh Fidelity Simulation and Training in Neonatal Emergency Procedures and First CareDottorato2024Mixed
MANGIACAPRE,MARCO LUCIOSoftware-based fault-tolerance with OpenMPCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2024Mixed
MANNINO,FILIPPOGradient-based combined size and shuffling algorithms for non-black metal composite optimisationCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2024Mixed
MEINI,ALESSANDRODevelopment of Numerical Fluid Dynamics and Radiative Simulations for Neptune Aerocapture maneuverCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2024Mixed
MICHELIS,FILIPPONonnegative Matrix Factorization with Sparse Inverse CovarianceCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2024unrestricted
MOTA DA SILVA,EDUARDABiochemical and biohumoral studies of bone regeneration and remodelling after implantation of magnesium pin Dottorato2024unrestricted
NAZEER,MUHAMMAD SUNNYImitative and Adaptive Control of Soft Continuum Arms via Learning StrategiesDottorato2024Mixed
PAOLINI,EMILIOAI in NextG Networks: from Neuromorphic Hardware to ApplicationsDottorato2024unrestricted
PAVAN,ELENARischi e responsabilità civile nella sanità digitale - identificazione dei rischi e valutazione dei modelli di responsabilità civile in relazione a prodotti automatizzati e basati sull’intelligenza artificiale per soluzioni chirurgiche e sanitarie: il panorama generale e il caso 5G-SOSIADottorato2024Mixed
PIRAZZI MAFFIOLA,KEVINEvidence on the effects of ownership, control, and board characteristics on firms’ environmental orientationDottorato2024unrestricted
PIRRONE,SERENA ROSA MARIAInvestigating the Optimal Design of Bioinspired Digging Robots for Earth and Space Soil Exploration Dottorato2024unrestricted
PUTZER,ALEXRights of Urban Nature. How to Apply a Non-Anthropocentric Ethic to an Anthropogenic World Dottorato2024Mixed
RASELLA,TERESASaving lives through civil wars: a comparative analysis of humanitarian operations in Yemen, Sudan and Syria.Corso Ordinario Secondo Livello2024unrestricted
ROBERTAZZI,FEDERICABrain-inspired meta-learning for response inhibition during decision-making in artificial agents: a neurorobotics approachDottorato2024Mixed
ROSSOLINI,GIULIOTowards Trustworthy AI: Understanding the Impact of AI Threats and CountermeasuresDottorato2024Mixed
SACCO,ADRIANOHealth technology assessment applied to telemedicine. A descriptive and qualitative comparison of the national and international context: practical implications and future perspective. Dottorato2024Mixed
SAMMARINI,ANITAA Monte Carlo Analysis of VARs and Local Projections in a High-Dimensional Heteroskedastic SettingCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2024unrestricted
SAPPINO,FABIO"L'infaticato e infaticabile governatore". Biografia politica di Jacopo Gasparini (1879-1941) Corso Ordinario Secondo Livello2024Mixed
SEMPRONI,FEDERICAAnalysis and Development of novel Active Monitoring Strategies for Implantable Medical DevicesDottorato2024Mixed
SHABANI,MAJIDNumerical Assessment of Tilted-Helical Fiber Orientation Effects on Deformation of Pneumatic Soft ActuatorsDottorato2024unrestricted
SINGUAROLI,MARTINONeuromorphic Tactile Sensing and Haptic Display Enable Fine Distributed Cutaneous Feedback in TelepresenceCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2024Mixed
SPATARO,VERONICACo-assessment in healthcare: antecedents, tools, and influencing factors for utilizing patient feedback to improve healthcare servicesDottorato2024Mixed
STROPPA,MARTAAutonomous cyber capabilities in the use of force and conduct of hostilities: a jus ad bellum and jus in bello perspectiveDottorato2024Mixed
THEIN,MIN SOEIdentification of genetic determinants of maize (Zea mays L.) yield components in a multiparent population using genomics high-throughput phenotypingDottorato2024Mixed
VICHI,ELENAThe effects of Zinc, Caffeine and NaCl on olive and tomato physiology and metabolism Dottorato2024Mixed
WALL,LUISAMonetary Policy and Bank Stability in the Euro Area Corso Ordinario Secondo Livello2024unrestricted
ZINI,MATTEOAnalysis and Mitigation of Memory Contention in Real-Time Embedded SystemsDottorato2024Mixed