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AIMO,ALBERTOPirfenidone to reduce scar size and prevent adverse ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction Dottorato2022unrestricted
ALITER,HASHEMSevere Mitral regurgitation :Pathophysiology and treatment . Master di Secondo Livello2022unrestricted
ALLIEVI,FULVIAI.E.M. e la promozione del vino sul mercato nazionale e internazionaleMaster di Primo Livello2022unrestricted
AMARASINGHE,PUNSARAParadox of Socio-Economic Rights before the Neo liberalism in South AsiaDottorato2022unrestricted
ANASTASIO,MATTEOPolitiche sanzionatorie europee e strategie di evasione delle sanzioni da parte di soggetti ed entità russi nel contesto del conflitto in UcrainaCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2022Mixed
BALLERINI,AMBRAOspitalità: tra convenzionale e nuove strategieMaster di Primo Livello2022unrestricted
BARBAGLI,SERENAWeChat o TikTok?’ Piano Marketing per la realizzazione di una strategia omnichannel per i social media cinesi - Case Show: Domini Castellare di Castellina Master di Primo Livello2022unrestricted
BENAGLIA,MARIALUCIASecurity Detention by Non-State Armed Groups in Non-International Armed Conflicts: Unveiling Current Legal Challenges and Contemporary PracticesCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022Mixed
BENEDETTI,COSIMOriflessioni sull'esportazione dei vini da vitigni autoctoni: focus su Vermentino nero e BarsaglinaMaster di Primo Livello2022unrestricted
BIASIZZO,MARCOA recurrent deep neural network to simulate the early visual processing pathwaysCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022unrestricted
BIBER,SUMEYYE ELIFA Rights-Based Inter-Legal Approach to the Human and Fundamental Rights Challenges posed by Artificial Intelligence SystemsDottorato2022Mixed
BIGI,LEONARDOStrategie commerciali per la Gdo e il settore HoReCa nel periodo Covid19 di una grande azienda vitivinicola del Chianti. Il caso di Coli Spa Master di Primo Livello2022unrestricted
BISCONTI LUCIDI,PIERCOSMASocio-Technical Hybrid Societies: A Systemic Approach to Human-Machine InteractionsDottorato2022Mixed
BISOGNO,GIAN MARIODigitalization in Management Accounting and the changing role of CFOCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022unrestricted
BOLOGNA,FRANCESCOAutonomous robotic systems for batch-size-one production: an oil and gas case study applicationDottorato2022Mixed
BONI,EMANUELEMolecular circuits underlying peculiar temporal behaviors: from plants and cyanobacteria architectures to synthetic biology counterpartsCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022Mixed
BORDONI,FILIPPOInterposizione illecita di manodopera e nuove tendenze nel mercato del lavoroCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2022Mixed
BORDOT,FLORENTRobotics and artificial intelligence : what impacts on employment and inequalities?Dottorato2022Mixed
BORGHESI,MARCOThe "russian doll" effect: a valve-in-valve-in-valve procedure.Master di Secondo Livello2022unrestricted
BORGHINI,ALICEEnhancing value in healthcare: managerial tools to support managersDottorato2022unrestricted
BOWMAN,THOMASRobotic and wearable devices for balance and gait rehabilitation in neurological diseasesDottorato2022Mixed
BUCARIA,GIORGIAIl problema del numerus clausus nelle licenze digitaliCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2022Mixed
BURINI,ALESSANDRAEncephaloceles in epileptic patients: electroclinical, radiological, and histopathological featuresCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 6 Anni2022Mixed
CAIANI,GEMMAEventi del vino: Passato, presente, futuroMaster di Primo Livello2022unrestricted
CAMACHO GONZALEZ,GERARDO JESUSChasing the Sun: In quest of Human IntelligenceDottorato2022Mixed
CAMPAGNINI,SILVIAStudy and evaluation of personalisation of the rehabilitation process using machine learning and biomedical data science for outcome prediction after robot-mediated and technology-based rehabilitationDottorato2022Mixed
CANDUZZI,SARAWas EU sovereignty there all along? Uncovering the explanatory and normative potential of a contested conceptCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2022Mixed
CAPASSO,MARIANNAPositions of Power. Freedom and Control in the Age of Artificial Intelligence Dottorato2022Mixed
CAPPELLI,VIOLATransizione energetica e diritto dei privati. Contratto e consumatori nel nuovo mercato elettrico collaborativo. Dottorato2022Mixed
CARRARA,ALESSIARocca di Frassinello: tra strategie comunicative del vino e l'impatto della BrexitMaster di Primo Livello2022unrestricted
CASELLI,ALICEDasineura oleae (Angelini, 1831): damage and chemical ecology in a tritrophic contextDottorato2022unrestricted
CASSANO,FRANCESCOPercutaneous exclusion of ascending aorta pseudoaneurysms: a clinical caseMaster di Secondo Livello2022Mixed
CAUZZO,SIMONEfunctional MRI of the brainstem in Cheyne-Stokes respiration: a methodological and translational investigationDottorato2022Mixed
CECCA,ANNALISAAlibaba per Cosimo Maria MasiniMaster di Primo Livello2022unrestricted
CECCATELLI,ISABELLAEnoturismo: il caso di Castello di Albola Master di Primo Livello2022unrestricted
CECCHI,EMANUELETunnel stent technique as an alternative treatment for left main protection in valve in valve transcatheter aortic valve implantationMaster di Secondo Livello2022unrestricted
CECONI,ELENALa comunicazione on-line e off-lineMaster di Primo Livello2022unrestricted
CERRATO,ENRICOUnplanned percutaneous coronary revascularization after transcatheter aortic valve replacement Master di Secondo Livello2022unrestricted
CETRULO,ARMANDAEssays on labour: perspectives on social classes, knowledge and power within organisationsDottorato2022unrestricted
CIANCETTA,ALESSANDROHeterogeneous Responses to Structural Shocks in Deep Dynamic Factor ModelsCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022Mixed
COLLODI,LORENZOFace Detection: a reviewCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022Mixed
COLOMBO,DANIELEThe Effects of Extreme Weather on Production: an Application to French, German and Italian dataCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022unrestricted
CRETONI,LORENZOIntegrazione di sensori in fibra ottica per applicazioni AutomotiveCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022Mixed
CUSMANO,ALICEWhat is the contribution of new generations to innovation in enterprises?Corso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022Mixed
CUZZOLA,ANGELOThree essays on the economics of Micro-Macro interactionsDottorato2022Mixed
D'ABBRACCIO,JESSICAWearable technologies for haptic feedbackDottorato2022Mixed
D'ACCOLTI,DANIELETowards a Clinically Viable Myoelectric Control for Transradial Wrist-Hand ProsthesesDottorato2022Mixed
DAL BIANCO,ALESSANDROAnalisi del mercato statunitense per il vino italiano. Focus sullo stato di Washington.Master di Primo Livello2022unrestricted
DALLI CANI,GIACOMOLa sostenibilità ed il consumatore - Esperienza SalchetoMaster di Primo Livello2022unrestricted
DATTILO,ALESSIAmiRs-320 family and miR-196a-5p: novel circulating biomarkers of lipodystrophy Dottorato2022Mixed
DE ALTERIIS,GIUSEPPEModels of the sleep/wake alternation in artificial and neural networksCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022Mixed
DEL FRANCO,ANNAMARIACardiac involvement in creatine-transporter deficiency: a metabolic, functional and structural studyDottorato2022Mixed
DELLA CORTE,FRANCESCO SAVERIOTowards an EU joint procurement function? New patterns of the EU executive actionCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2022Mixed
DI IORIO,VINICIOPerspectives on sustainable mindsets: from individual choice to the organization’s strategic posture Dottorato2022Mixed
DI LEO,NICOLETTAInnovative drugs against degenerative disease: Applications for Earth and space biomedicineDottorato2022Mixed
DI MARTINO,ANDREAUn nuovo piano di marketing: Il caso Podere Sapaio Master di Primo Livello2022unrestricted
DI PALMA,ANNAA Renewed Multi-level Health Governance in Europe? A Focus on COVID-19 VaccinesCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022unrestricted
DIGIACOMO,FRANCESCAVision-guided human assistance systems for industrial environment Dottorato2022Mixed
DONNARUMMA,CIROSafety-critical systems for railway applications: a real-time systems perspective Dottorato2022Mixed
EUSEBIO,GEPPINAleft atrial appendage closure with "mother and child" double watchman flx: a case report, a new perspective.Master di Secondo Livello2022unrestricted
FAGIOLI,ILARIADynamic modelling of an underactuated design for an active transfemoral prosthesisCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022Mixed
FAN,JIEMorphological Characterization Analysis of Thin, Continuum Structures based on Non-constant Curvature Clothoid Spiral --- Taking Inspiration from Climbing Organ - TendrilsDottorato2022Mixed
FASANO,ALESSIOQuantitative tools for the analysis of neurological and neuropsychiatric pathologies of the basal gangliaDottorato2022Mixed
FIUMALBI,TOMMASOAn innovative design for lower-limb prosthesis actuation and sensory systemDottorato2022Mixed
FONTANA,FRANCESCOLow-intensity ultrasound and electromagnetic stimulations for therapeutic purposesDottorato2022Mixed
FRANCHELLUCCI,GIOIAAiding “the reign of terror”: humanitarian challenges and political implications of foreign aid governance in a Taliban-led Afghanistan.Corso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022unrestricted
FUSARI,CHIARA'Reimagining the Prosecution of International Crimes. In Search of a Restorative Justice Paradigm at the International Criminal Court'Dottorato2022Mixed
GELSI,FEDERICOA comparative multimodal stock market prediction using ECB press conferencesCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022Mixed
GERI,NICOLÒVarieties of Deindustrialization: a core-periphery perspectiveCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022unrestricted
GHERARDINI,MARTAThe myokinetic control interface for hand prostheses - Interface optimization for trans-radial amputations and feasibility of application to TMR patientsDottorato2022Mixed
GIRARDI,LUCAStudy of a Quadrotor Drone with Soft and Anisotropic Structural ElementsCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022Mixed
GRECO,FRANCESCORegion-specific lipid markers of plaque vulnerability investigated by MALDI mass spectrometry imaging of human carotid atherosclerotic lesionsDottorato2022Mixed
GRONCHI,IACOPOInnovation governance and its underpinnings: A comparative analysis of RIS3 in Toscana and Emilia RomagnaCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022Mixed
GROTTI,SIMONEValve-in-Valve transcatheter aortic valve implantation: combined use of Chimney Technique and Balloon Valve Fracture to prevent coronary obstruction and prosthesis-patient mismatchMaster di Secondo Livello2022unrestricted
HOGIC,NEDIMJudicial Anti-Corruption Campaigns: Cases of Italy, Brazil and RomaniaDottorato2022Mixed
IACOVELLI,FORTUNATOAcute kidney injury after transcatheter aortic valve implantation: predictive value of currently available risk scoresMaster di Secondo Livello2022unrestricted
IOVINO,ROBERTAUnderstanding current dynamics of consumer’s environmentally significant behaviours: the pivotal role of informationDottorato2022Mixed
KASSAW,SEYOUM ASEFIEGenetic Diversity of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Landraces Across the Ethiopian Landscape and Development of an Innovative interconnected Advanced Generation intercross (iMAGIC) PopulationDottorato2022unrestricted
LAVILLA,MIKELA platform in yeast to understand oxygen sensing mechanisms in higher eukaryotesDottorato2022Mixed
LIVOLSI,CHIARADesign and clinical testing of new control strategies for an hip exoskeleton for individuals with moderate gait impairments.Dottorato2022Mixed
LOMBARDO,ISABELLAInternalization and intracellular fate of hyaluronic acid‐coated chitosan nanoparticles in cultured cancer cells growth at physiological pH.Dottorato2022unrestricted
LORINI,ILARIALa cantina di Roberto Cipresso a Montalcino e il suo modo di vincere la concorrenza. Master di Primo Livello2022unrestricted
MANCINI,RICCARDOHigh Performance implementation of Self Organizing Maps on multiprocessor and GPU architecturesCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022unrestricted
MANGONE,LORENZOCo-benefits of a sustainable diet, evaluating the impact of a climate conscious diet on health outcomesCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 6 Anni2022Mixed
MANZONI,ANTONIOFinding a more sustainable and eco-logical conceptual framework for the EU Common Agricultural Policy. Insights from the food commons approach.Dottorato2022Mixed
MARIANI,ANDREATraining and usability of robot-assisted minimally invasive and non-invasive surgical platformsDottorato2022Mixed
MASSACCESI,EDOARDOAn interconnected financial sector as fuel for innovation and technological imitation: an agent-based endogenous growth modelCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022Mixed
MHLANGA,BLESSINGCrop nutrient acquisition, yield, and weed communities as related to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities under conservation agriculture practicesDottorato2022unrestricted
MIRAGLIA,MARCOMechatronics-enabled augmentation of dynamic tasks to increase quality, efficiency, and sustainability in industrial and environmental applicationsDottorato2022Mixed
MONTAGNA,VINCENZO ANDREAA biorobotic approach to understand ferns' spore dispersal mechanism towards the development of fast plant-inspired actuators.Dottorato2022Mixed
MORCHI,LAURAFocused Ultrasound Surgery: towards a safe therapy for clinical applications Dottorato2022Mixed
MORRA,DANIELESviluppo su ROS2 di un modulo di controllo per una racecar e tuning del relativo controllore MPCCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022unrestricted
MOURA BARROSO,ISRAELThe Grammar of Fraternity: Conflict and Responsibility in the AnthropoceneDottorato2022unrestricted
NAVA,FEDERICAI Non-fungible token nell'orizzonte delle cripto-attività: tentativi di inquadramento privatistico e regolamentare dei "gettoni di unicità digitale"Corso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2022Mixed
NEBBIAI,MATTEOCompetition policy in digital markets as a scientific controversy: a bibliometric analysisCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022Mixed
NEUPANE,SHREE PRASADCharacterization and Evaluation of Heterotic Traits in a Multi-parent Advanced Generation Inter-Cross (MAGIC) Maize PopulationDottorato2022unrestricted
ORIGLIA,MARCOFPGA design of a multidimensional reconciliation encoder for a continuous variable quantum key distribution systemCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022Mixed
ORLANDO,MATTEOInnovative technologies and natural products in horticulture productions.Dottorato2022Mixed
PACIFICO,ILARIAOccupational exoskeletons: removing barriers to their large scale adoptionDottorato2022Mixed
PALAGI,ELISAThe complexity and multidimensionality of economic inequality: four essaysDottorato2022unrestricted
PALLAORO,EMANUELEThermal transient modeling for PTS scenariosCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022unrestricted
PANE,STEFANOAdvanced Ultrasound Imaging Techniques for Monitoring and Controlling Microrobots in TissuesDottorato2022Mixed
PAPERINI,GIOVANNICaccia al Piano: comunicare valore tramite l’ospitalitàMaster di Primo Livello2022unrestricted
PATTI,AURORAIl riconoscimento del locus standi delle Regioni davanti alla Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione europea come strumento di risoluzione del deficit democratico Corso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2022unrestricted
PEREIRA,MAYARA LUIZAThe governance of food safety as a paradigm for businesses and human rights: lessons and challengesDottorato2022unrestricted
PETRUCCO,NICOLAIl dibattitto pubblico in ItaliaCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2022Mixed
PETRUSO,FLAVIACombining EEG and fMRI to characterize maturation-dependent changes in the cortical and subcortical correlates of sleep slow wavesCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 6 Anni2022Mixed
PICCININI,LUCAEngineering synthetic sensors and responses in plant to uncover physiological and stress-related responsesDottorato2022Mixed
PIGATTO,GIACOMOA critical reflection on the recent developments in voluntary corporate non-financial and sustainability reporting and disclosure: Lessons learnt from research on integrated reporting adoption in practiceDottorato2022unrestricted
QUADRI,GIORGIOBioprosthetic aortic paravalvular leak closure: successful percutaneous treatment guided by transthoracic echocardiographyMaster di Secondo Livello2022unrestricted
RABINO,ELEONORALa figura dell’export manager. Formazione Ricasoli 1141Master di Primo Livello2022unrestricted
RAMSES,RAFICCase Report: Closure of a Patent Foramen Ovale with Amplatzer Talisman PFO Occluder after Cryptogenic StrokeMaster di Secondo Livello2022Mixed
RIBARICH,NICOLÒUsefulness and Feasibility of Patient-Reported Outcomes in assessing Prognosis in Heart Failure PatientsCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 6 Anni2022Mixed
RICCIO,FEDERICOEssays on Structural Change, Growth and Distribution: An Evolutionary InterpretationDottorato2022Mixed
RONDINA,ANDREAHow Pricing Databases Benefit Information Management: The Marchesi Frescobaldi CaseMaster di Primo Livello2022Mixed
SALES,PIERLUIGIVermouth: rinascita di uno stile tutto italianoMaster di Primo Livello2022Mixed
SANTOEMMA,ILARIAA Cartography of the Posthumanities. New Frames from Epistemology to Political Philosophy Dottorato2022Mixed
SARTORATO,IRENEIl Goal di Sviluppo Sostenibile numero 5 e la parità di genere nelle impreseCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022unrestricted
SEBASTIANI,COSIMO"Treasury Wine Estate, il vino italiano nel mercato statunitense"Master di Primo Livello2022unrestricted
SHIRIAEV,ANTONSelenium enrichment of tomato plants: effects on fruit quality, ripening physiology and postharvest behaviourDottorato2022unrestricted
SIGNORETTA,CAMILLAOf Justice, Asymmetries and Consumer-Alike Remedies for Authors under EU Copyright Contract LawCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2022Mixed
SORRENTINO,ALESSANDRAFrom humans to robots: leveraging social intelligence to improve HRIDottorato2022Mixed
SPARAGNA,RICCARDOOpen innovation in the renewable energy sector. An analysis of corporate best practicesCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022Mixed
STING,HANNESHow Ending Violence Can Be Key In Fighting Culturally Legitimated Slavery. Illustrated With The Example Of Caste-Based Slavery In India And NepalMaster di Primo Livello2022Mixed
TAMANG,ASTA MAYADiversity AssessmentDottorato2022unrestricted
TANNOUS,MICHAELMixed-Initiative Control in Industrial ContextsDottorato2022Mixed
TERESI,LUCIOPatient-Reported Outcome Measures in Wild-Type and Variant Cardiac Transthyretin Amyloidosis: The ITALY (Impact of Transthyretin Amyloidosis on Life qualitY) StudyCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 6 Anni2022unrestricted
TONI,FRANCESCOPseudo Rational Agent-Based-Model ExpectationsCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022unrestricted
TONINI,SIMONEEssays on the application of sparse penalized regressions in time series: meta-analysis, theory, and empirical applicationsDottorato2022unrestricted
TOSI,LEONARDOOrnellaia: la creazione di valore tramite l’ospitalitàMaster di Primo Livello2022unrestricted
TRAN,NHIEN THIAssessing the genetic and molecular basis of resistance to Fusarium Verticillioides in maizeDottorato2022Mixed
TRAVASCIO,SARA“Il commercio elettronico nell’era Covid: il caso Wine in Black”Master di Primo Livello2022Mixed
TRUPPA,LUIGIDevelopment of Innovative Inertial Sensors methods to Monitor Human Motion and Athletic MovementDottorato2022unrestricted
UGHI,ANTONIODrivers and implications of firms digital technology adoption. Evidence from an Italian policy.Corso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022Mixed
VALSECCHI,DAMIANOProcesso di evoluzione dal mercato locale al mercato europeo: il caso studio CaminellaMaster di Primo Livello2022unrestricted
VETRANO,PAMELAChloroplast stress and membrane remodeling: characterisation of a putative ESCRT-like pathway in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii chloroplastCorso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022Mixed
VIZZARI,GIAMPIEROECMO assistance during high-risk TAVI in the COVID-19 EraMaster di Secondo Livello2022unrestricted
VULLO,CAMILLAApplication of microbial biostimulants and Selenium biofortification for the production of nutraceutical foods: the study of the effect of a functional diet on NAFLD patients microbiota Corso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022Mixed
ZARI,PIER FRANCESCOUn'analisi critica del "Modello 231" e degli enti no profit alla luce della riforma del Terzo settore. Questioni applicative, il ruolo dei controlli interni e l'adozione del modello organizzativo nel d.lgs. 231/2001Corso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 5 Anni2022unrestricted
ZAVANELLA,EMANUELE MARIOThe case of irregular military groups in the context of Russian foreign policy: Questions of agency and the distinction of public and private interests'Corso Ordinario Secondo Livello2022unrestricted
ZRINSCAK,DEBORATowards a biomimetic soft robotic total artificial heartDottorato2022Mixed
ZUCCHINETTI,CRISTINACD4 CAR-T cells play a key role both in exacerbating cytokine release syndrome and maintaining long-term responsesCorso Ordinario Ciclo Unico 6 Anni2022Mixed