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ABIDI,SYED HAIDER JAWADDesign and Modelling of Soft Robots for Surgical Uses Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
ACCORRONI,ALICERole of thyroid hormones and 3-iodothyronamine in dementia: potential biomarkers and novel therapeutic approaches for Alzheimer’s disease.Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
ACERBI,GIORGIA Integration of physiological, psychological and sociological factors to evaluate technology's acceptability and improve HRI, through neuro bio-inspired models for robots. Perfezionamento2019unrestricted
AGRIMI,JACOPONutraceutical Approach to Prevent Work Stress-induced Brain-Heart Axis Dysfunction linked to Cardiovascular Disease Risk: A Translational StudyPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
AGUINALDO,MARK EMIL CANDELARIAClimate change risk assessment among business enterprises: perspectives and prospects Perfezionamento2019Mixed
ALBERTI,STEFANOResponsabilita precontrattuale e contratto validoPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
ALBERTINI,ALESSANDROPopulism and Democracy. Patterns of intra-party participation in comparative perspective: the case of Podemos and Five Stars Movement. Perfezionamento2019unrestricted
ALIPERTI,GIUSEPPEConsumers' engagement as opportunity for crisis and disaster risk management: A tourism oriented analysisPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
AMATO,EDOARDONational Coordination Systems Models of coalition building in EU decision-making The cases of Italy, France, Germany and the NetherlandsPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
ANGELUCCI,DAVIDEEverything changes, it all stays the same. Young people, social class, and Politics in EuropePerfezionamento2019unrestricted
ANNESI,NORANetworking and dialogue amongst stakeholders as opportunity for business and territorial governance. Results from three applied researchPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
ANSARI,YASMIN TAUQEER"Development of learning-based control frameworks to enable high-precision positioning/tracking in continuum/soft robotic manipulators"Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
APRIGLIANO,FEDERICABiorobotic solutions to reduce the risk of falling in balance-impaired subjectsPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
ASTREINIDI BLANDIN,AFRODITIBiomechanically inspired artificial mechanosensing for soft roboticsPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
BAJONA,PIETROIschemic Mitral Valve Regurgitation: The Quest for Valve Repair Prognostic Factors.Perfezionamento2019unrestricted
BALDOLI,ILARIASmart sensing solutions for applications in biomedical engineeringPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
BALDONI,ANDREADesign and Development of Novel Wearable Robots Perfezionamento2019unrestricted
BARBAGLI,ALESSIOAnalisi delle interazioni acqua-suolo nella fitodepurazione delle acque di drenaggio e nella ricarica delle falde Analysis of water-soil interaction in drainage water phyto-treatment and in aquifer recharge schemesPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
BARSOTTI,JONATHANFree-standing, ultra-thin and ultra-conformable functional polymeric films applied to organic electronic devicesPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
BENEDETTI,GIOVANNIWearable devices for health monitoring: use of an innovative adhesive thoracic patch in out-of-hospital settingsPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
BOCCADIFUOCO,ALESSANDROAn integrated model towards the prediction of the pathological state of ascending thoracic aortic aneurysmsPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
BOEM,ALBERTOImpact measurement for social banking: The case of Banca EticaPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
BONISOLI,ALBERTOOrganic bioelectronic platforms for electrical and chemical stimulation of biological systemsPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
BORGIOLI,GIULIACorpi femminili in movimento. Il caso delle IVG delle donne peruviane a Firenze e la sperimentazione del progetto Escapes"Perfezionamento2019unrestricted
BRUNAZZI,ALICEExploiting the genetic diversity of Triticum urartu for the identification of genes involved in adaptation to climate changePerfezionamento2017unrestricted
BRUNORI,MARGHERITAEmerging international standards on access to land and security of tenure – the role of soft law in the United Nations systemPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
BUSCO,PAOLO The Defence of Illegality in International Investment Arbitration: A Hybrid Model to Address Criminal Conduct by the Investor, at the Crossroads between the Culpability Standard of Criminal Law and the Separability Doctrine of International Commercial Arbitration Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
CAFAGNA,GIANLUCAAn equity lens in healthcare performance measurement: more than equity gains? Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
CAFARELLI,ANDREAControlled ultrasound exposure for innovative therapeutic applicationsPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
CALIO',RENATOSensing and haptic technologies for applications in medical roboticsPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
CALOVI,MARTINAHealthcare and disaster management. A geographical approach Perfezionamento2017unrestricted
CASTRO,EMANUELAHuman-robot interaction: effects on learning and on cognitive skillsPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
CATERINA,EDOARDOProblematiche costituzionali del finanziamento privato della politicaPerfezionamento2020unrestricted
CAVALIERI,ALICEBetween policies and politics: the transformations of the budgetary process in ItalyPerfezionamento2020unrestricted
CERRI,JACOPOSocial desirability bias in green consumerism: its causes, consequences and some potential remedies.Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
CHABANE,HAKIM KARIMBeneficial effects of a complementary diet with cereal β-glucans on anterior myocardial infarction patients treated by primary PCI “Cuore Sano” Protocol: A pilot study. Perfezionamento2019unrestricted
CITTADINI,SILVIAFeeling at Home? The inclusion of Roma in the housing sector in the light of the relationship between places and identity: a post-colonial analysis of housing rights and policies Perfezionamento2019unrestricted
CLINCA,SILVIAI profili penalistici della sperimentazione clinicaPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
COLASUONNO,MARIANNANovel nanobased therapeutic approaches for thrombolysisPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
CONTI,SARAChemogenetic and neurotechnology approaches for the recovery of motor function after paralysis following stroke and spinal cord injuryPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
CONTINI,MICHELEThe strategic management of the relationship between companies and consumersPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
CORUCCI,FRANCESCOEvolutionary Developmental Soft Robotics: Towards Adaptive and Intelligent Machines Following Nature's Approach to DesignPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
CORVINO,FAUSTOCosmopolitanism as the moral basis for global de-commodification of labourPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
CUCCURU,PIERLUIGIThe European standardisation system: Regulation, interest representation, judicial reviewPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
CUCINO,VALENTINAClinical Innovation: a knowledge transfer perspectivePerfezionamento2018unrestricted
D'ELIA,NICOLOErgonomics of Wearable RobotsPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
DAHER,STEPHANIEThe politics of contentious Actions and Elite Resilience: The Lebanese "You Stink" and the Tunisian "Manich Msamah" Movements. Perfezionamento2019unrestricted
DALLE CARBONARE,LAURAMolecular mechanisms behind Zn and low oxygen conditions in plantsPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
DAMINOVA,NASIYA ILDAROVNAThe evolution of the ECHR impact on the CJEU jurisprudence (the example of ‘due process’ rights) Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
DAVOLA,ANTONIOThe Death of the Average Consumer at the Crossroads of Law, Economics and Cognitive Sciences: a Tentative ReactionPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
DE CESARI,CHIARAMolecular and functional characterization of rod precursors for regenerative therapy of the retina.Perfezionamento2019unrestricted
DE MARCO,CHIARA ELEONORAThe Challenges of Implementing Open Innovation Perfezionamento2017unrestricted
DE PASCALI,ALESSIOBetween (non)compliance and legal discretion: a comparative analysis of the implementation of the Asylum Procedures DirectivePerfezionamento2020unrestricted
DE QUATTRO,CONCETTAThe role of epigenetics in leaf cell differentiation during drought stress in Brachypodium distachyonPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
DEDOLA,FRANCESCAInvasive and non invasive methods for bioelectronic medicine applicationsPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
DEL DOTTORE,EMANUELAStudy and Implementation of Algorithms Inspired by Movements and Control Strategies of Plant RootsPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
DEL SARTO,NICOLAExploring the Business Accelerator phenomenon through Resource Based View and Open Innovation lensesPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
DELLA VALLE,CLARAAn interdisciplinary "bottom up" study of EU gender policies in Tunisia: towards an agency-based approach. Perfezionamento2019Mixed
DI LASCIO,NICOLEA machine learning system for carotid plaque vulnerability assessment based on ultrasound images Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
DI VETTA,GIUSEPPEGoverno dell’impresa e regolazione penale. Appunti per una critica dei paradigmi di incriminazionePerfezionamento2019unrestricted
DINEV,IVAYLO MIHAYLOVLong-Term Processes and Cycles of Protest: A Comparative-Historical Analysis of the Protest Arenas in Bulgaria and Slovenia (2009-2017)Perfezionamento2020unrestricted
DIODATO,ALESSANDROHuman-Robot Interaction and Control Strategies in Minimally-Invasive SurgeryPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
DODEVSKA,EMILIJAn.p.The Role of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in Strengthening the Rule of Law and Public Acknowledgment of War Crimes: The Case of Croatia and SerbiaPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
DRAMAC,TANJAEnabling Agency: What Made Them Go? Foreign Fighters from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo Perfezionamento2019unrestricted
ETENZI,ETTOREAnalysis of energy efficiency during human locomotion: models and robotics applications.Perfezionamento2017unrestricted
FANCIULLACCI,CHIARABrain reorganization after stroke and cortical correlates in motor control Perfezionamento2017unrestricted
FERRARI,ALESSIOMulti-target inhibitors of circadian clock and autophagy as a novel anticancer approach.Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
FERRARI,LAURAUltraconformable Temporary Tattoo Electrodes for broad surface ElectrophysiologyPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
FERRARIS,LUCHINOThe Pursuit of Sustainable Agriculture in EU Free Trade AgreementsPerfezionamento2020unrestricted
FLOREZ ROJAS,MARIA LORENAGeo-blocking as clashing of frames: a user restriction or an enforcement legal tool?Perfezionamento2019unrestricted
GABBANI,COSIMOL'efficacia del sistema sanzionatorio amministrativoPerfezionamento2020unrestricted
GABISONIA,KHATIAGene Therapy with miR-199a-3p for Myocardial InfarctionPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
GENNA,CLARACortical models of sensory processing during tactile stimulation in humans and animalsPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
GEORGE THURUTHEL,THOMASMachine learning approaches for soft robot controlPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
GIACOMELLI,GIORGIOManaging professional organizations: conditions and levers to support managerial roles in public health carePerfezionamento2018unrestricted
GIANFREDA,STELLAWho politicises immigration and the European Union? A multilevel analysis of the position of mainstream and populist parties in Italy, the United Kingdom and the European Parliament. Perfezionamento2019unrestricted
GRESTA,FRANCESCO"Evaluation of microalgae and Ascophyllum nodosum extracts as biostimulants for abiotic stress mitigation"Perfezionamento2017unrestricted
GRIGORATOS,CHRYSANTHOSCardiac remodeling in models of anthracycline-induced cardiomyopathyPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
GRILLONE,AGOSTINA FRANCESCASmart nanomaterials to overcome highly invasive tumor resistance Perfezionamento2017unrestricted
GUZZOLINO,ELENARole of TBX5 controlled miRNAs in Holt-Oram Syndrome: deciphering regulatory circuitries responsible for cardiac malformationsPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
HAMID,ZEESHANRole of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase (FAAH) in health and disease: focus on neurodegenerative disorders and obesityPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
HARRIS,ELEONORAInstitutional Arrangements, “Political” Inclusiveness, and the Protection of the Individual: Investigating the Role of Subnational Institutions as Custodians of Social Rights – A Comparative Analysis (Forma di Stato, partecipazione politica e tutela dei singoli: la ridefinizione del ruolo delle istituzioni subnazionali nella tutela dei diritti sociali in prospettiva comparata)Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
HENRICHSEN,TIMParty competition as interdependent process - Assessing the contagion effect of Eurosceptic parties in Italy.Perfezionamento2020unrestricted
IACOPINO,SERGIODevelopment of a synthetic molecular sensor for oxygen in plantsPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
IACOVACCI,VERONICASmart magnetic microsystems for targeted therapy Perfezionamento2017unrestricted
IANNONE,FABIOGreen Public Procurement as a policy instrument for a sustainable economy. A empirical exploration of enabling and limiting factors: from cognitive and organizational barriers to the role of training.Perfezionamento2019unrestricted
IHLE,LAURA HAABERThe Rise of Viral EpistemologyPerfezionamento2020unrestricted
IMBINTO,ILARIOSynergetic Partial Hand Prostheses: Design and FittingPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
ISMAYILOV,KAMRANNeoclassical Realist Model of Soft-Balancing concept: Rethinking Azerbaijan’s foreign and security strategy vis-á-vis hegemony-seeking Russia, 1991-2016Perfezionamento2020unrestricted
JIANG,SHISONGSocial Networks and the Right to Education of Rural-Urban Migrant Children in Beijing, China Perfezionamento2020unrestricted
KHUTSISHVILI,KRISTINARussia’s Path for Identity: Ideas, Philosophies, and DiscoursesPerfezionamento2020unrestricted
KIM,JAESEOKThe mobile manipulation tasks in the domestic environment using service robotPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
KIRTAY,MURATBrain-inspired algorithmic approaches to sensory representation and decision making for humanoid robots. Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
KOJCEV,RISTOUltrasound Guided Diagnostic and Surgical RobotsPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
KUMAH,EMMANUELImproving Healthcare Quality through Patient-Focused Strategies: A Focus on Self-Management and Care ExperiencePerfezionamento2017unrestricted
LAMONICA,ALESSANDRO GIOVANNICulture, Diplomacy, and Power: The French and British Models of Cultural Diplomacy in the Early Twenty-First CenturyPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
LAZZERI,GIULIAThe process dimension of smart specialisation: social and political challenges to the regional decision-making in EuropePerfezionamento2017unrestricted
LEYLAVI SHOUSHTARI,ALIA Unified Hierarchical Framework for Motion Planning and Control of Anthropomorphic Robotic Manipulators: an Intended Application of Physical Human-Robot Interaction to RehabilitationPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
LUNGU,DANIEL ADRIANManaging performance in Healthcare organisations: Tools, strategies and policy implications Perfezionamento2019unrestricted
MACELLARI,MARGHERITAUnpacking the Black Box of Sustainability: How Do Organizations Embed Sustainability into Strategies and Operations? Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
MAHDAD,MARALThe Micro-dynamics of University-Industry Collaboration: The Case of Telecom Italia Joint Open LabsPerfezionamento2016unrestricted
MALVICINI,MASSIMILIANOIl Parlamento e l’attività di controllo. Contributo allo studio della trasformazione del ruolo del Parlamento nell’ordinamento costituzionale italiano Perfezionamento2020unrestricted
MANETTI,STEFANIAIncorporating Health Technology Assessment (HTA) into Medical Device R&D: the costs and benefits of being an early birdPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
MANTI,MARIANGELAStiffness tuning in Soft Robotics.Perfezionamento2017unrestricted
MANZI,ALESSANDROHuman Activity Recognition based on Depth Camera for Assistive RoboticsPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
MARANGIO,ROSSELLAUnfolding cooperation processes: ideational factors in inter-organizational peacebuilding among the UN, the AU and the EU in Somalia Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
MARTINI,ALICEFrom terrorism to extremism: the UN Security Council and the evolution of the discourse on terrorism.Perfezionamento2019unrestricted
MASELLI,MARTINASoft and Flexible Sensors: technologies and biomedical applicationsPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
MASSARI,LUCATactile sensors and displays technologies for telepresence in biorobotics applicationsPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
MAURO,SARA GIOVANNAPerformance- based budgeting: Understanding practice variation through the lens of institutional theoriesPerfezionamento2016unrestricted
MAZURIER,PABLO ANDRESFrom Global War to Cyber Civilian Power: the ICANN’s Inclusive Process of Networking Empowerment within the Internet Governance Ecosystem.Perfezionamento2019unrestricted
MELONI,GABRIELLAA MOLECULAR APPROACH TO BIOINSPIRATION: elucidating sensorial capabilities of octopus to drive robot designPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
MENICHETTI,FRANCESCACorrelation between perfusion/innervation mismatch and ventricular scar-related arrhythmic substrate: impact on ablation outcome Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
MILONE,SOFIALa definizione di criminalità organizzata nella politica criminale italiana ed europea. La prospettiva del rapporto tra criminalità organizzata e confisca allargata. The definition of organized crime in the Italian and European criminal policy. The perspective of the relationship between organized crime and extended confiscationPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
MINN,MARIThe Value of Pharmaceutical Patents in Cumulative Settings - Access to Novel Medicines in EuropePerfezionamento2018unrestricted
MIRIZIO,FRANCESCAUniversity inventions: an investigation into the factors affecting patentability and licensing Perfezionamento2019unrestricted
MISHRA,ANAND KUMARSoft Robotics Technologies for Exploration and Manipulation TasksPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
MISTO,ALESSANDRAInteractions between mast cells-derived histamine and oleoylethanolamide control liver ketone body production. Perfezionamento2017unrestricted
MOCAVINI,GIORGIOIl ‘prezzo’ del consenso. Il ruolo delle compensazioni amministrative nel governo dell’ambiente e del territorio Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
MORACHIOLI,ANNAGIULIARobotic Disassembly for the Circular EconomyPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
MORAIS RIGHI,HERICA The role of the companies on promoting economic development in emerging countries: An analysis of the Brazilian casePerfezionamento2019unrestricted
MORETTI,SAMUELESalt and drought stress in olive tree (Olea europaeaL.): an integrated approach.Perfezionamento2017unrestricted
MOSCHETTI,ALESSANDRAWearable sensors for gesture recognition in assisted living applicationsPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
NEMEDI,MARKRelativism and the Purpose of Criminal LawPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
NERI,ANDREAStudy of molecular and physiological responses on Populus alba L. ‘Villafranca’ clone stressed with Cd and Zn.Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
NUCARA,LUCAStimuli-Responsive Ordered Micro- Nanostructures based on Polyelectrolyte Hydrogels for Sensing ApplicationsPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
OPPI,CHIARAInvestigating the role of accounting in healthcare organizations: traditional costing and new approachesPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
PAPINI,GAIARole of the exosomes on the epigenetic modulation of myocardial plasticity in a rodent model of myocardial infarctionPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
PARESCHI,ANDREATwo approaches to the assessment of opinion congruence: Elite-mass gaps on the EU issue in France and in the United Kingdom Perfezionamento2019unrestricted
PARRI,ANDREADesign, development and validation of control architectures for lower-limb wearable robots Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
PARZIALE,ANDREACivil liability and Regulation in The European Market for Unauthorized Uses of MedicinesPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
PASTORMERLO,LUIGI EMILIORenal sympathetic denervation for cardioprotection after acute myocardial infarction: a preclinical study.Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
PELLEGRINI,CHIARACorporate sustainability: an analysis of organisational antecedents and pro-sustainability behaviourPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
PELLEGRINI,FERNANDOWheat-Persian clover temporary intercropping for wheat quality and weed management. A Participatory Learning and Action Research projectPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
PENNUCCI,FRANCESCAEXPLORING VALUE CREATION PROCESSES IN HEALTHCARE. People, mechanisms, outcomes.Perfezionamento2019unrestricted
PERUZZI,SARAStructural insight into PNKD functionPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
PIAZZA,GAIASoil carbon and microbial diversity under conservation management practicesPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
PICARDI,GIACOMOA bio-inspired approach to underwater legged roboticsPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
PICCOLINO,GIANLUCAPopulism, Radicalism, and Extremism: Disentangling the War of Words in Western EuropePerfezionamento2020unrestricted
PIERATTINI,ERIKA CARLAEffects of Xenobiotics on PoplarPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
PIERI,ALICERegulatory non-coding RNAs: an explorative study from wild grasses to wheatPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
PIGNATARO LOPEZ,ADRIANPolitical Participation in Latin America: A Comparative Analysis of Its Determinants and ImplicationsPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
PIGNATELLI,DANIELASynthesis and functionalization of innovative nanomaterials for biomedical applicationsPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
PINNA,LAURAAssessment of motor function in Parkinson disease: study and development of algorithms and mobile solutionsPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
PIOTTO,ALESSANDRO MARIALa disciplina penale in materia di rifiuti tra legislazione italiana ed europea e l'emergenza ecomafiePerfezionamento2017unrestricted
PIRRI,SALVATOREHarnessing Big Data to track and manage medication adherence: A novel data-driven approach. Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
POLACKOVA,LUCIAExploring the nexus between the right to food and food wastagePerfezionamento2018unrestricted
PRETNER CALORE,GAIAEmbedding the Circular Economy paradigm into business, strategy and operations - Empirical findings on both the industry's and consumers' perspectivePerfezionamento2019unrestricted
PRINCIPATO,ANTONIOShareholder activism e doveri di condotta degli investitori istituzionaliPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
PUCCI,CECILIALoss of function of the autism risk gene setd5 leads to neurotransmission-associated gene alterations and social impairments in zebrafishPerfezionamento2019Mixed
PYANKOVA,OLGA VLADIMIROVNAStudy of the effect of gravitational loading variations of human dermal capillary endothelial cells – towards understanding the exploitability of gravity force as a therapeutic treatmentPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
RAGUSA,ROSETTAMolecular and epigenetic biomarkers in pediatric patients with heart failure: effect of Ventricular Assist Device implantation.Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
RAMETTA,PAOLOBeni comuni e CostituzionePerfezionamento2019unrestricted
RANALDO,MARZIAFunctional biodiversity in green manure crops: effects on nitrogen dynamics and weed suppressionPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
RANAUDO,ANTONIO"Potentialities of silk fibroin coatings for improvement of biocompatibility of advanced neural interfaces"Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
RATENI,GIOVANNI"Optical Analysis based on Near-InfraRed Spectroscopy for Nutrition Monitoring, Food Scanning and Industrial Applications"Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
REZAEI,RAMINEthnic Minority Rights in Iran:Defining Legal Deficiencies and Their Impacts on Ethnic Minorities RightsPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
ROLANDI,SILVIAEU Business-to-Consumer Food E-commerce A Legal Analysis of the Role of Food Information in Strengthening Trust in Electronic Trade Perfezionamento2018Mixed
ROMANO,DONATOMixed societies and bio-hybrid systems as tools for biological investigation and for bioinspired design. Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
RONGALA,UDAYA BHASKARNeurocomputational Modelling of Tactile Perception for the Development of Artificial Sense of Touch.Perfezionamento2017unrestricted
ROVINI,ERIKAStudy and development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for Parkinson's disease based on ICT and machine learningPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
RUIZ MARTINEZ ,IRUNEDynamics of agricultural intensity and the related provision of ecosystem services in Mediterranean peri-urban areasPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
RUTIGLIANO,GRAZIABeyond classical thyroid hormone. 3-iodothyronamine and the trace amine-associated receptor 1 in the cross-talk between thyroid and brainPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
SABA,ANDREAContractual and Governance Arrangements in Result-based Agri-environmental Scheme in Europe: A Law and Economics PerspectivePerfezionamento2018unrestricted
SALGARELLA,ALICE RITAEngineering bio/non-bio interfaces for biomedical applicationsPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
SAMONI,SARAThe relationship between intra-parenchymal renal resistive index variation and renal functional reserve under physiologic and pathologic conditions Perfezionamento2019unrestricted
SARACINO,ARIANNAHaptic feedback restoration in surgical teleoperated robotic platformsPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
SARTI,SILVIAExploring individual behaviors to unveil their responses to modern life challengesPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
SCARCELLO,ORLANDOLegality’s Grammar: European Constitutional Pluralism and the Limits of JurisprudencePerfezionamento2020Mixed
SCARRA,DEEPATechnology Transfer From Big SciencePerfezionamento2019unrestricted
SESSA,MARIA GIOVANNACleavage Politics Are Alright: The Electoral Endurance Of Dominant Centre-Right Mainstream Parties In Western Europe (2000s-2010s)Perfezionamento2020Mixed
SHAH,SYED TAIMOOR HASSAN“Bio-Inspired designs for multi-functionality, based on braided structures”Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
SHUKLA,VINAY SIDDHPRASADRegulation of Arabidopsis root system architecture by oxygen availabilityPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
SINGH,HARMEETHuman-Robot Physical Interaction Sensing based on Forced Vibration Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
SMALDONE,PIERLUIGIAnalysis of managerial strategies for employee motivation in the healthcare sector.Perfezionamento2016unrestricted
SORGINI,FRANCESCATactile sensorimotor feedback strategies for object categorization in telepresence sensory augmentation applicationsPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
STERZI,FRANCESCACounter-Piracy between public and private solutions: legal perspectives on the emergence of contracted maritime security practices Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
STRAZZULLA,ILARIABio-inspired Control for Human-Robot Interaction of Artificial Hands and for Disassembly Tasks of Anthropomorphic Dual-Arm RobotsPerfezionamento2017Mixed
TAGLIALATELA,JONATHANThe impact of innovation on SMEs financial dynamics and performance.Perfezionamento2017unrestricted
TALINI,REBECCA FIORELLANovel allelic variation for wheat improvement: quality, agronomic, and adaptation traits from wild relatives and landraces Perfezionamento2019unrestricted
TAMADON,IZADYARMechatronic solutions for intra-body therapeutic proceduresPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
TARANTINO,SERGIOThe myokinetic approach for hand prosthetic controlPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
TERRASINI,NORAStudy on the role of sevoflurane in promoting the release and uptake of endothelial exosomes protecting cardiomyocytes against perioperative ischemia/reperfusion injury.Perfezionamento2020unrestricted
TINTI,ALESSANDROContested geographies of Kurdistan. Oil and Kurdish self-determination in IraqPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
TODARO,NICCOLO MARIAWhat drives corporate environmental proactivity? An institutional, organizational and micro-foundational perspective on environmental strategies and operations.Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
TRAN,VI DODevelopment and validation of innovative assessment metrics and biomechanical model for upper limb robot-assisted rehabilitationPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
TRAVERSARI,SILVIAResponse mechanisms of secondary meristem to abiotic stresses: drought effect on water and carbon relations in poplarPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
TRIGILI,EMILIODevelopment of control strategies for robotic rehabilitation and assistance in daily-life scenariosPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
TZVETKOVA,GERGANAHuman Rights in Foreign Policy – an Analysis of Counter-Piracy Discourse and Policies of the European Union and the United States of America"Perfezionamento2017unrestricted
VALERI,MARIA CRISTINAMetabolic control of the anaerobic response in ArabidopsisPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
VALLE,GIACOMOFeedback sensoriale intraneurale per protesi di mano: nuove strategie di codifica e valutazione delle performance a lungo termine Intraneural sensory feedback for hand prostheses: new encoding strategies and long-term performance assessmentPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
VALLEGGI,ALESSANDROFamily caregivers in end-of-life heart failure: exploring experiences and needs Perfezionamento2019unrestricted
VANNINI,FEDERICA Identification of circulating low molecular weight endothelium-protective factorsPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
VANNOZZI,LORENZONovel actuated microsystemsPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
VANNUCCHI,FRANCESCAthe arboreal and herbaceous plant responses to pollutantsPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
VANNUCCI,LORENZOBrain-inspired methods for adaptive and predictive control of humanoid robotsPerfezionamento2018unrestricted
VARVARESSOS,ALESSANDROLe ipotesi di non punibilità nel diritto penale dell’economia: natura e funzioni fra centralità delle discipline extralegali di riferimento e suggestioni dal sistema francese.Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
VENIER,SILVIAChemical, Biological and Radio-Nuclear (CBRN) risks in Europe: States’ international obligations and the role of Human Rights Law in enhancing protection Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
VERGARO,GIUSEPPEGalectin-3 and aldosterone profibrotic pathways in the failing heartPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
VIRGILI,TOMMASOConstitutionalism in Muslim Countries: the Struggle between Islam and Individual Liberties, with particular reference to Egypt and TunisiaPerfezionamento2017Mixed
VOLPI,IRIDEEvaluation of alternative cropping systems for the mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions (N2O) in a Mediterranean environmentPerfezionamento2017unrestricted
ZARE BIDAKI,SHAHABEDDINFrom User Innovation to User Entrepreneurship; Through the Lens of Opportunity Identification and Effectuation TheoriesPerfezionamento2019unrestricted
ZHOU,SHANSHANOrganizational Learning through Crises Perfezionamento2018unrestricted
AGOSTINI,LORENZOReliability assessment and predictive diagnosis of Dielectric Elastomer Transducers - Stochastic models and experimental analysisDottorato2020unrestricted
ALBERTINI,ALICECarabid and staphylinid beetles as natural enemies of Bactrocera oleae: a conservation biological control perspectiveDottorato2017unrestricted
ASSIS DE SOUZA MELO,SUZANNEInterferometric Radar System including a Photonics-based Architecture for Remote Sensing ApplicationsDottorato2018unrestricted
AVVEDUTO,GIOVANNIFacing the challenges of fully immersive virtual and augmented reality for simulation and trainingDottorato2017unrestricted
BALSINI,ALESSIOTowards Hard and Soft Real-time Operating Systems for Multicore Heterogeneous ArchitecturesDottorato2018unrestricted
BASSANI,GIULIAWearable energy harvesting for motion tracking and health assessment Dottorato2017unrestricted
BLAIX,CIANThe potential of weeds and field margins in providing ecosystem services and hosting syrphidsDottorato2018unrestricted
BORTONE,ILARIASocially-Oriented Technology Framework for Rehabilitation of Children during Developmental AgesDottorato2017unrestricted
BRANDBERG,CAROLINE MADELEINEModel-Based Design, Analysis, and Synthesis for Embedded System Deployment on Multicore ArchitecturesDottorato2020unrestricted
BRISTOT DE OLIVEIRA,DANIELAutomata-based Formal Analysis and Verification of the Real-Time Linux Kernel Dottorato2020unrestricted
BRIZZI,FILIPPOAugmented Reality for Teleoperated Human-Robots interactionDottorato2018unrestricted
BUONGIORNO,DOMENICOAdvanced control strategies for natural Human-Exoskeleton interactionDottorato2017unrestricted
CALVARESI,DAVIDEReal-Time Multi-Agent Systems: challenges, model, and performance analysisDottorato2018unrestricted
CALVINO,FLAVIOEmployment dynamics and InnovationDottorato2016unrestricted
CAPPONI,GIOVANNABreakthrough Innovations and Appropriability Strategies: Three Essays Based on The Queen's Award for InnovationsDottorato2018unrestricted
CASINI,DANIELAdvancements in Modeling and Analysis of Multi-Processor Real-Time SystemsDottorato2020unrestricted
CASSESE,TOMMASOLaser integration in Silicon-on-Insulator platformDottorato2018unrestricted
CHIARADIA,DOMENICODesign and validation of control techniques for stable and accurate interaction of haptic interfaces and exoskeletonsDottorato2018unrestricted
CIVELLI,STELLANonlinear frequency-division multiplexing: theoretical aspects, numerical algorithms, and experimental demonstrationDottorato2019unrestricted
CIVERCHIA,FEDERICOHow will edge computing shape the 5G deployment? The hardware acceleration use caseDottorato2019unrestricted
DABISIAS,GIACOMOSupporting humans with autonomous systems: deep learning for activity, state and environment recognitionDottorato2018unrestricted
DANIELE,LUCADesign, manufacturing and testing of dielectric elastomer generators for wave energy conversion.Dottorato2019Mixed
DETTORI,STEFANOAdvanced Modelling and Control Methodologies for Energy Optimization in Industrial ContextsDottorato2020Mixed
DI FRANCO,CARMELO Localization and Energy-aware path planning of mobile autonomous robotsDottorato2017unrestricted
DOUROU,ATHANASIA-MARIAFactors affecting yield efficiency and oil quality in Olea europaea L.Dottorato2019unrestricted
FICHERA,SILVIAResource Orchestration in Softwarized NetworksDottorato2019unrestricted
GABARDI,MASSIMILIANODevelopment of interfaces for haptic and thermo-haptic interaction with the human hand.Dottorato2018unrestricted
GESESSE,CHERINET ALEMMolecular and phenotypic characterization of the Ethiopian nested association mapping (EtNAM) population, an advanced genetic tool to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) in durum wheatDottorato2019unrestricted
GIANNONE,FRANCESCOImplementation and Experimental Evaluation Of a Virtualised 5GNetwork for URLLC ServicesDottorato2019unrestricted
GUERINI,MATTIAEssays on Macroeconomic Dynamics - A Complex System PerspectiveDottorato2016unrestricted
HAILEMARIAM,BOGALE NIGIRIdentification and characterization of sources of genetic resistance to wheat diseases in Ethiopian landraces and in the Ethiopian durum wheat NAM (EtNAM) populationDottorato2019unrestricted
HAMEDEH,HAYTHAMThe Response of the oilseed crop Camelina sativa to FloodingDottorato2019unrestricted
HUSSAIN,BILALChallenges in implementation of Microwave Photonics systems for Radar ApplicationsDottorato2019unrestricted
LADERA CARMONA,MARIA JOSEmiRNA communication between plantsDottorato2018unrestricted
LANDOLFI,LORENZOVision Based Intelligent Systems to Monitor People's Behaviour and PerceptionDottorato2019unrestricted
LEMBO,LEONARDOA Photonics based Multiple Input Multiple Output Coherent Radar Network for Maritime Surveillance and High Resolution ApplicationsDottorato2020unrestricted
MAGGIANI,LUCAProgettazione di un nodo di calcolo embedded per reti di "smart cameras"Dottorato2017unrestricted
MALIK,MUHAMMAD NOUMANDevelopment of orbital angular momentum (OAM)-based subsystems for Communication and SensingDottorato2019unrestricted
MANGANELLI,COSTANZA LUCIAInvestigation and modeling of novel silicon based integrated optoelectronic deviceDottorato2017unrestricted
MARIN VASQUEZ,YISBEL ELOISAPhotonic Integrated Circuits for Sensing ApplicationsDottorato2019unrestricted
MARINI,SIMONESemi-natural habitat typology affects wild bee community diversity in a sunflower-based agroecosystemDottorato2017unrestricted
MARINO,FRANCESCOTowards a softwarized and secure Internet of ThingsDottorato2018unrestricted
MATINO,ISMAELModelling and simulation of industrial operations for prognostic monitoring and control, process integration and optimization.Dottorato2018unrestricted
MATIZ,ALESSIOMindfulness-Oriented Meditation between Human and Digital ResearchDottorato2017unrestricted
MCLEAN RODRIGUEZ,FRANCIS DENISSEComparison of in situ and ex situ maize agrobiodiversity conservation through genomic and socioeconomic approaches. A case study in Morelos, MexicoDottorato2019unrestricted
MELANI,ALESSANDRASupporting Parallelism in Multicore Real-Time Computing SystemsDottorato2017unrestricted
MESSA,ALESSANDROOptical Wireless: an emerging solution for next-generation communications.Dottorato2020unrestricted
MOSADEGH,HAANASecondary metabolite regulation and UV-B tolerance mechanisms in Ocimum basilicum Var. Genovese Dottorato2018unrestricted
ONORI,DANIELSWaP constrained photonics assisted RF receivers for Electronic Support MeasuresDottorato2017unrestricted
PAGANI,MARCOEnabling predictable hardware acceleration in heterogeneous SoC-FPGA computing platformsDottorato2020unrestricted
PANNOCCHI,LUIGIHandling the design complexity of Cyber-Physical SystemsDottorato2018unrestricted
PARRI,ANDREAResource Reservation and Memory Ordering in the Linux KernelDottorato2018unrestricted
PAZZAGLIA,PAOLOPerformance-Driven Design for Control and Scheduling in Real-Time SystemsDottorato2020unrestricted
PERILLO,DAVIDModelling and Simulation of Embedded Systems with Formal Languages and Virtual PlatformsDottorato2017unrestricted
PRASETYANINGRUM,PUTRITemporal and carbon dependent patterns in gibberellin biosynthesis and growth Dottorato2019unrestricted
PREITE,MASSIMO VALERIODesign and characterization of Silicon Photonics components for Data and Telecom applicationsDottorato2018unrestricted
RAFENOMANJATO,ANTSAWeed management using a no-till system with stylosanthes guianensis cover crop in upland rice-based cropping systems in the Mid-West of MadagascarDottorato2018unrestricted
RANNELLO,MARIONext-Generation FTTH Networks: Innovative System Solutions for Low-Cost Coherent WDM PONsDottorato2018unrestricted
RIGHI,MICHELEElectroactive polymers, design and validation of new concepts in energy harvestingDottorato2019unrestricted
ROMITO,ELENAthree essays on access to knowledge and IPRsDottorato2020unrestricted
ROSSI,ENRICOTowards the heterogeneous, real-time reconfigurable embedded systemDottorato2018unrestricted
SANTAMATO,GIANCARLOAn Innovative Robotic Device for the Maintenance on Condition of Railway Pantographs through Structural Dynamics AnalysisDottorato2020unrestricted
SANTI,CATERINAEssays on Financial MarketsDottorato2019unrestricted
SANTOLERI,PIETROEssays on young firms' dynamicsDottorato2019unrestricted
SARAC STROPPA,MINEDesign, Implementation and Control of an Underactuated Hand ExoskeletonDottorato2017unrestricted
SEPTIANI,POPIMAGIC maize population: A new strategy on dissecting the genetic basis and heterosis of Fusarium seedling rot resistance Dottorato2019unrestricted
STACCIOLI,JACOPOEssays on the emergence of endogenous financial fluctuationsDottorato2019unrestricted
STROPPA,FABIOAn adaptive assistance algorithm for robot-based neurorehabilitation therapy of the human upper limbDottorato2018unrestricted
STURNIOLO,ALESSANDROOptical Wireless Communications: new opportunities and applicationsDottorato2019unrestricted
SVEZIA,BENEDETTAStudy on the effects of microRNAs extracted from Vitis vinfera L. (cv. Sangiovese) grapevine berry on the heart following myocardial infarction: A novel nutraceutical approach.Dottorato2017unrestricted
TANCA,CAMILLA AGNESEVirtual Humans: A framework for the embodiment in Avatars and social perception of others in Virtual Agents in Immersive Virtual EnvironmentsDottorato2019unrestricted
TEFERI,ERMIAS TESFAYEThe Economics of Wheat Diversity and the Role of Indigenous Knowledge for the Conservation of Ethiopian Wheat Diversity: the Case of Meket District, Eastern Amhara RegionDottorato2018unrestricted
VEKSIN,IGOREssays on Realized Covariance EstimationDottorato2017unrestricted
VIRGILLITO,MARIA ENRICAEssays on Economic Coordination and Change: from Industry and Labour Markets to Macroeconomic Regimes of GrowthDottorato2016unrestricted