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ADEUX,GUILLAUME SIMONHighlighting the role of diversity in driving weed community dynamics and weed:crop interactionsDottorato2020unrestricted
AFROZ,ABANTI SHAMAHuman computer interface for 3D applications in industrial contextsDottorato2021unrestricted
AHUMADA,GERMAN DARIORice seed germination underwater: a role for endophytic bacteriaDottorato2023Mixed
AIMO,ALBERTOPirfenidone to reduce scar size and prevent adverse ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction Dottorato2022unrestricted
AL-GHILAN,WALEED MUSTAFA ALITransitory sensory feedback for upper-limb prosthesisDottorato2023Mixed
AL-HADDAD,HIND ADIL JAAFARAdvancing Implantable Artificial Pancreas Based on Ingestible PillsDottorato2024Mixed
ALOSI,ALICEAdvancing paradox theory in the sustainability field: from a state-of-art framework to exploring Circular Economy and Industrial Symbiosis.Dottorato2024Mixed
AMARASINGHE,PUNSARAParadox of Socio-Economic Rights before the Neo liberalism in South AsiaDottorato2022unrestricted
AMATO,RACHELEDelivery of a reliable cell-based assay for autophagy-related drug discovery studyDottorato2023Mixed
AMOROSO,ALESSANDRO MARIOState Support for Armed Groups Under International Law. Strenghtening Compliance trough Primary normsDottorato2023Mixed
ANDRÉS ALPÍZAR,GUILLERMO LAZAROThe Long Road of the Cuban Biotechnology. Knowledge, Innovation, and System buildingDottorato2024Mixed
ANTICO,ANDREAThe Effect of Cognitive Biases and Market Selection on Pricing PatternsDottorato2024Mixed
ARA,GABRIELEOS Mechanisms for Energy-Efficient Real-Time and High-Performance Networking ApplicationsDottorato2023Mixed
ARCIDIACONO,MYRIAMApplication of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in sustainable agricultureDottorato2023Mixed
ARCURI,ALBERTOLa rincorsa del Regolamento. Uno studio empirico sul potere regolamentare nel mezzo delle trasformazioni sociali.Dottorato2021unrestricted
ARGURIO,FEDERICAThe implications of civil wars for public health: weaponization of public health in Syria and Yemen Dottorato2021Mixed
ARIAN,SHABAHANGFundamental Principles-Based Framework for the Evaluation of (S)ARsDottorato2023Mixed
ARLEO,LUCAExploiting positive pressure in jamming transition for human-oriented soft robotics applicationsDottorato2024Mixed
ARMIENTO,SERENAEnergy harvesting through spontaneous electrification of leavesDottorato2024Mixed
AROMOLO,FEDERICOScheduling and analysis of parallel software in multiprocessor real-time systemsDottorato2023unrestricted
ASSEFA,ANDEBET HAILUHierarchical Environmental Holism: Advancing the Intergenerational Realm of Environmental Justice through Intrinsic Value Dottorato2023Mixed
ASTOLFI,ANNALeveraging reduced-order models for the control of underwater and terrestrial legged robotsDottorato2024Mixed
BAKHTINA,KRYSTYNAAge discrimination in the European Union. Comparative perspectives of France, Italy and the Netherlands.Dottorato2021unrestricted
BANFI,TOMMASOPredictive models and longitudinal sensing hardware for surgical risk mitigation in sleep deprived and fatigued conditionsDottorato2020unrestricted
BARBERI,FEDERICANaturalistic control of lower limb neuroprostheses optimizing intention decoding, feedback, and comfort. Dottorato2021unrestricted
BARCHIELLI,CHIARAPerformance Management in Nursing from the inside and out: how professional behaviour, job satisfaction and patient experience impact organizational dynamics. Dottorato2021unrestricted
BARIS,GABRIELEHigh-Level Perception for Intelligent TransportationDottorato2023Mixed
BARONI,CARLOTTABrain-Heart Axis Dysfunction Modeling: from Characterization to Nutraceutical TreatmentDottorato2023Mixed
BARTOLETTI,EDOARDOEmbedding plastic concern into individual behaviors and corporate operations: an empirical analysis on both companies' and consumers' perspective Dottorato2023Mixed
BATTAGLINI,MATTEOSmart nanomaterials in the treatment of central nervous system diseasesDottorato2020unrestricted
BAZZANI,ANDREARhythms of decisions. New insights into consumer neuroscience.Dottorato2023Mixed
BELARDI,PAOLOEvaluating Healthcare Performance in Low-and-Middle-Income Countries: Lessons Learned from a Bottom-Up and Integrated ApproachDottorato2021unrestricted
BELENLI,MELIKESmart Organic Nanostructures against Neurological DiseasesDottorato2023Mixed
BELTRAMI,SARAthe role of iodine in plant nutrition and stress protectionDottorato2023Mixed
BERLINGOZZI,LAURAWomen, gender and jihad: (Re)constructing the gender dimension in the UN and EU counterterrorism discourses and in the insurgency and counterinsurgency practices in Mali and in NigerDottorato2021Mixed
BERNABEI,FEDERICOA soft gripper approach with optimized monolithic actuator and sensor strategies for agricultural applicationsDottorato2024Mixed
BETTI,FEDERICOThe role of RNA interference in plant response to hypoxiaDottorato2021unrestricted
BEZ,CHARLOTTE SOPHIAEssays on the Political Economy of the Environment A Just Transition for the Left-Behind?Dottorato2023Mixed
BIANCHI,FEDERICOMagnetic Localization Strategy of Robotic Endoscopic DevicesDottorato2020unrestricted
BIANCHI,GUIAUnboxing the complex world of corporate environmental sustainability. Enablers and barriers that foster the internalization of life cycle management.Dottorato2021unrestricted
BIBER,SUMEYYE ELIFA Rights-Based Inter-Legal Approach to the Human and Fundamental Rights Challenges posed by Artificial Intelligence SystemsDottorato2022Mixed
BISCONTI LUCIDI,PIERCOSMASocio-Technical Hybrid Societies: A Systemic Approach to Human-Machine InteractionsDottorato2022Mixed
BOLOGNA,FRANCESCOAutonomous robotic systems for batch-size-one production: an oil and gas case study applicationDottorato2022Mixed
BOLSHETTE,NITYANAND BHARATMYC-associated factor MAX is an essential repressor of the clock core networkDottorato2020unrestricted
BORDOT,FLORENTRobotics and artificial intelligence : what impacts on employment and inequalities?Dottorato2022Mixed
BORGHINI,ALICEEnhancing value in healthcare: managerial tools to support managersDottorato2022unrestricted
BORGIOLI,NICCOLÒTowards safe and secure communication in Cyber-Physical SystemsDottorato2023Mixed
BORROMEO,JUSTINE CRISProgrammable Hardware Acceleration in 2D and 3D 5G NetworksDottorato2023unrestricted
BOSI,GIULIAThe right to mental health beyond mental disorders and disabilitiesDottorato2024Mixed
BOWMAN,THOMASRobotic and wearable devices for balance and gait rehabilitation in neurological diseasesDottorato2022Mixed
BRAU,FABIOMethods for Certifiable Robustness of Deep Neural NetworksDottorato2024Mixed
BRUNELLO,LUCAenvironmental and local hypoxia in Arabidopsis thalianaDottorato2023Mixed
BURJANADZE,GIADelayed administration of pro-regenerative miR-199a after myocardial infarction: efficacy versus untoward effects Dottorato2023unrestricted
BUSCEMI,FRANCESCOBecoming and Being a Weapon: Means of Violence and Geographies of Rule in the Borderlands of MyanmarDottorato2021Mixed
CABALLERO VELEZ,DIEGOProducing public goods in the field of refugee protection: the case study of Poland in times of migrant and refugee crisis Dottorato2021unrestricted
CAMACHO GONZALEZ,GERARDO JESUSChasing the Sun: In quest of Human IntelligenceDottorato2022Mixed
CAMPAGNINI,SILVIAStudy and evaluation of personalisation of the rehabilitation process using machine learning and biomedical data science for outcome prediction after robot-mediated and technology-based rehabilitationDottorato2022Mixed
CAMPONESCHI,FEDERICOHybrid and Heterogeneous Photonic Integrated Circuits for Radar and Remote Sensing ApplicationsDottorato2024unrestricted
CAPAR,GURKANThe Legitimacy of International Authorities: A Reason-Based and Institutional ApproachDottorato2024Mixed
CAPASSO,MARIANNAPositions of Power. Freedom and Control in the Age of Artificial Intelligence Dottorato2022Mixed
CAPITANI,STEFANO LASZLOself-aligning mechanisms in wearable robotics: design and development of solutions to enhance kinematic compatibility and address misalignment challengesDottorato2025Mixed
CAPPELLI,VIOLATransizione energetica e diritto dei privati. Contratto e consumatori nel nuovo mercato elettrico collaborativo. Dottorato2022Mixed
CAPULA,MJRIAMRole of microbiota in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: platelet microbiome as potential diagnostic biomarker and impact of Fusobacterium nucleatum in chemoresistance Dottorato2024Mixed
CARDINI,ALESSIOInterplant communication mediated by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal hyphal networksDottorato2020Mixed
CARLESSI,MARTINAControl of Iodine Emissions from Rice PlantsDottorato2021unrestricted
CARMIGNANI,ALESSIOA new generation of multi-tool biodegradable platform for biomedical applicationsDottorato2023Mixed
CASELLI,ALICEDasineura oleae (Angelini, 1831): damage and chemical ecology in a tritrophic contextDottorato2022unrestricted
CAUZZO,SIMONEfunctional MRI of the brainstem in Cheyne-Stokes respiration: a methodological and translational investigationDottorato2022Mixed
CAVALLO,AIDA3D bioprinting of a fibrinogen-based bioink for a bi-layer skin substitute.Dottorato2023Mixed
CESINI,ILARIAWearable haptic technologies for applications in rehabilitation and roboticsDottorato2020Mixed
CETRULO,ARMANDAEssays on labour: perspectives on social classes, knowledge and power within organisationsDottorato2022unrestricted
CHELLAPURATH,MRUDULBioinspired Underwater Legged Robot for Marine ConservationDottorato2021unrestricted
CHIAPPINO,SARATotal and bGGT plasma fraction activity, and cardiovascular risk stratification in a general population. Relationships with epicardial fat, coronary artery calcium score Dottorato2021unrestricted
CHIURAZZI,MARCELLONovel collaborative technologies and control strategies for augmented human-robot collaboration in computer-integrated medical environmentsDottorato2021Mixed
CIANCIA,SABRINANovel technological solutions to engineer anatomic pathology processesDottorato2023Mixed
CINI,FRANCESCAHuman-inspired strategies to allow a fluent robot-to-human handover Dottorato2020unrestricted
COLANERO,SARAMolecular mechanisms behind the anthocyanin production in tomato plantsDottorato2020unrestricted
COLETTA,LUCREZIAUser perspective and performance evaluation in inter-organisational relationships in public servicesDottorato2020unrestricted
COLI,FRANCESCAImplementing One Health in the EU transition to sustainable food systems: a legal and policy analysis Dottorato2024Mixed
COMETA,ANDREAAdvanced statistical frameworks to uncover the electrophysiological correlates of syntactic processingDottorato2023Mixed
CORAZZA,ILARIAContinuous and systematic benchmarking as a practice to improve healthcare performance: commentaries on the development and implementation of approaches in diverse scenariosDottorato2020unrestricted
CORONESE,MATTEOEssays on the Economics of Environmental BoundariesDottorato2020unrestricted
CRACCHIOLO,MARINANeural decoding algorithms for bioelectronic medicine and neuroprostheticsDottorato2020unrestricted
CRESTI,LORENZOInternational division of labour, knowledge flows and productive capabilities: an Input-Output analysisDottorato2023Mixed
CRICCHIO,JACOPOArtificial Intelligence in China: The role of Open Innovation, Innovation Ecosystem and Regional SpecializationDottorato2024Mixed
CUZZOLA,ANGELOThree essays on the economics of Micro-Macro interactionsDottorato2022Mixed
CZIMMERMANN,TAMASArtificial Intelligence Strategies for Visual-Tactile Perception with Robots in Industry 4.0 and BionicsDottorato2020unrestricted
D'ABBRACCIO,JESSICAWearable technologies for haptic feedbackDottorato2022Mixed
D'ACCOLTI,DANIELETowards a Clinically Viable Myoelectric Control for Transradial Wrist-Hand ProsthesesDottorato2022Mixed
D'AMICO,GIANLUCAAdvancing Railway Safety and Automation: Graphic Engine Simulation for Sensory Data Generation in Railway EnvironmentsDottorato2024Mixed
D'AVELLA,SALVATORERobotic Grasping and Manipulation: Perception, Planning, and Control for Industry 4.0 and Logistics.Dottorato2023Mixed
D'ONOFRIO,GRAZIAHuman-Robot Interaction: a Care Robot for Older People with Dementia and Emotion Recognizing by a robotic solution initiative (EMOTIVE) ProjectDottorato2020Mixed
DA ROS,ALESSANDRADesigning Organizational Change Management: determinants, choice architecture and implementation in healthcare Dottorato2023Mixed
DATTILO,ALESSIAmiRs-320 family and miR-196a-5p: novel circulating biomarkers of lipodystrophy Dottorato2022Mixed
DE CRISTOFARO,FABIANAExercises in comparative economic policy: three papersDottorato2021unrestricted
DE LUCA,DANIELAOptimizing Vision Restoration: Deep Learning Approaches in Visual Cortex Decoding and Neuroprosthetic DesignDottorato2025Mixed
DE MARTINO,SARARegional Participation and EU Cohesion Policy 2021-2027: a comparison between Italian and French regionsDottorato2021unrestricted
DE PAOLIS,ROBERTADealing with the Deals: Settlement Agreements for National and International Corporate Bribery Dottorato2023unrestricted
DE PASCALI,CORRADODesign of soft robotic manipulators inspired by the elephant trunk Dottorato2023Mixed
DEI,NERI NICCOLÒA Novel Assistive Imaging Device for Colon Map ReconstructionDottorato2025Mixed
DEL FRANCO,ANNAMARIACardiac involvement in creatine-transporter deficiency: a metabolic, functional and structural studyDottorato2022Mixed
DELLA MAGGIORA,LORENZOMechanisms of abiotic stress response in Populus sppDottorato2023Mixed
DI FELICE,FRANCESCOGeneralizable Learning for Robotic AutonomyDottorato2024Mixed
DI IORIO,VINICIOPerspectives on sustainable mindsets: from individual choice to the organization’s strategic posture Dottorato2022Mixed
DI LEO,NICOLETTAInnovative drugs against degenerative disease: Applications for Earth and space biomedicineDottorato2022Mixed
DI LEONARDI,SANDROAddressing Security and Real-Time Constraints in Embedded SoftwareDottorato2023unrestricted
DIGIACOMO,FRANCESCAVision-guided human assistance systems for industrial environment Dottorato2022Mixed
DONNARUMMA,CIROSafety-critical systems for railway applications: a real-time systems perspective Dottorato2022Mixed
EKEN,HÜSEYINControl of Lower-Limb Prostheses and Exoskeletons based on adaptive Dynamic Movement Primitives Dottorato2025Mixed
EMAMI,SEYEDEH GELAREHA systematic approach to evaluating and enhancing resilience in healthcare systems: Bridging theory and practice in crisis management Dottorato2024Mixed
ENCINAS DUARTE,GABRIEL ALEJANDROPluralist Arguments and Institutional JustificationDottorato2021unrestricted
ENGELS,LEONARD FREDERIKFunctional Sensory Feedback for Upper Limb ProsthesesDottorato2020unrestricted
FAN,JIEMorphological Characterization Analysis of Thin, Continuum Structures based on Non-constant Curvature Clothoid Spiral --- Taking Inspiration from Climbing Organ - TendrilsDottorato2022Mixed
FARA,PIETROImproving safety and security on real-time safety-critical systemsDottorato2023unrestricted
FASANO,ALESSIOQuantitative tools for the analysis of neurological and neuropsychiatric pathologies of the basal gangliaDottorato2022Mixed
FEDORCZYK,FEDERICAArtificially Intelligent Criminal Justice? A policy oriented critical plea. Dottorato2024Mixed
FERRARI,FRANCESCAThe effects on proprioception of the vibration induced illusion of movementsDottorato2020unrestricted
FILOGNA,SILVIAActuation system inspired by a marine organismDottorato2021unrestricted
FILOSA,MARIANGELAHaptic sensing and feedback of biomechanical informationDottorato2023Mixed
FIORELLO,ISABELLAMultifunctional miniature machines inspired by climbing plantsDottorato2021unrestricted
FIORINELLI,GAIATrasformazioni tecnologiche e paradigmi di imputazione della responsabilità penale. Le forme del rapporto tra il soggetto e il fatto nella società dell’informazioneDottorato2021unrestricted
FIUMALBI,TOMMASOAn innovative design for lower-limb prosthesis actuation and sensory systemDottorato2022Mixed
FONTANA,FABRIZIAplant adaptation to hypoxia and sugar starvationDottorato2021unrestricted
FONTANA,FRANCESCOLow-intensity ultrasound and electromagnetic stimulations for therapeutic purposesDottorato2022Mixed
FRESCHI,GIULIANAThe family burden: social mobility and infant abandonment in 19th-century ItalyDottorato2024unrestricted
FREUDENTHALER,MAXIMILIANAuthoritarian Neoliberalism in the European Semester. The Case of Austria.Dottorato2021unrestricted
FRUZZETTI,LORENZONeural-Inspired Motor Control and Adaptation: From Biological Systems to Soft RoboticsDottorato2023unrestricted
FUSARI,CHIARA'Reimagining the Prosecution of International Crimes. In Search of a Restorative Justice Paradigm at the International Criminal Court'Dottorato2022Mixed
GALDIERI,RICCARDOInvestigating the role of physical devices in the player-environment relationshipDottorato2021unrestricted
GERMANO,ROCCO PIERPAOLOBiodiversity as a Source for High-Throughput ScreeningDottorato2023Mixed
GHERARDINI,MARTAThe myokinetic control interface for hand prostheses - Interface optimization for trans-radial amputations and feasibility of application to TMR patientsDottorato2022Mixed
GIKAY,ASRESS ADIMIAutomated Consumer Credit Scoring in the European Union and the United States—Perspectives from Consumer Credit Law Dottorato2020unrestricted
GILLI,LORENZOOptical Wireless Communication: an innovative technology for data transmission in satellitesDottorato2023unrestricted
GIONFRIDDO,GIANLUCABusiness exists to serve society: the regenerative role of purpose-driven companies in contemporary capitalism Dottorato2023Mixed
GÓMEZ ÁLVAREZ,EVA MARÍAGermination of barley after submergence: a genetics and a microbiome approachDottorato2023Mixed
GORGODZE,NIKOLOZPro-regenerative microRNAs delivered in the sub-acute phase of experimental myocardial infarctionDottorato2020unrestricted
GOTTI,GIAMMARIALa democrazia e i partiti politici nell'Unione europea. Prospettive di diritto costituzionaleDottorato2023unrestricted
GRANZIERA,FEDERICONutrition and Cognitive Development: The Lasting Role of Early-Life Gut Microbiota and Gut MetabolitesDottorato2024Mixed
GRAZI,LORENZOWearable robotics for the industry: control and assessment of exoskeletons with the human in the loopDottorato2020unrestricted
GRECO,FRANCESCORegion-specific lipid markers of plaque vulnerability investigated by MALDI mass spectrometry imaging of human carotid atherosclerotic lesionsDottorato2022Mixed
GUAITOLINI,MICHELANGELOBody inertial sensor networks and multiple sensor fusion techniques for human motion studiesDottorato2021unrestricted
GUARNERI,FRANCESCAIl Paziente Complesso tra Ospedale e Territorio: nuove prospettive di valutazione Intermediate care e transitional care Dottorato2021unrestricted
GUERRA,SARA ISABEL DA SILVAImpact of hepatic lipid changes on mitochondrial function and fluidity in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Dottorato2021unrestricted
GUZZARDI,DEMETRIOwarming unequal: income distribution, fiscal system, and the impact of climate change in italyDottorato2024Mixed
HERRERA ALARCON,EDWIN PAULAutonomous vision-based drone navigation in GNSS-denied environmentsDottorato2023Mixed
HOGIC,NEDIMJudicial Anti-Corruption Campaigns: Cases of Italy, Brazil and RomaniaDottorato2022Mixed
HUAN,YUFlexible surgical instruments for safe & effective minimally invasive surgeryDottorato2020unrestricted
IACOPONI,SAVERIOBio-inspired Locomotion and Anchoring for Extreme EnvironmentsDottorato2021unrestricted
IANNICIELLO,VALERIOTowards a Myokinetic Interface for Prosthetic Control An Embedded Real-Time Multi-Magnet LocalizerDottorato2023Mixed
IANNINO,VINCENZOCyber-Physical Systems for Production Simulation and Optimization within Complex Industrial SystemsDottorato2021Mixed
IBERITE,FEDERICAPushing the boundaries of skeletal muscle tissue engineering with multiple biophysical stimulationsDottorato2021unrestricted
IBERITE,FRANCESCOA wearable Neuroprosthetics system to restore natural thermal sensations in upper limb amputees Dottorato2024Mixed
IBRAHIM,IMADTransboundary Aquifers between International Water Law and Human Right to Water and SanitationDottorato2020unrestricted
IGLESIAS,MATIAS NEHUENEssays on Economics: 'Aggregation in Empirical Contexts'.Dottorato2021unrestricted
IODICE,IRENEFirms in International MarketsDottorato2020unrestricted
IOVINO,ROBERTAUnderstanding current dynamics of consumer’s environmentally significant behaviours: the pivotal role of informationDottorato2022Mixed
JAMIESON GILMORE,KENDALL LEWISThe role of managerial systems in promoting higher value care: Incorporating the patient voice in public value management Dottorato2021unrestricted
KALIDINDI,HARI TEJAGoal-driven neural network models of biological motor control - a neurorobotic studyDottorato2020unrestricted
KAMARE,BEHNAMBiomechanical analysis of elephant trunk skin for future adaptive artificial skins Dottorato2024Mixed
KASSAW,SEYOUM ASEFIEGenetic Diversity of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Landraces Across the Ethiopian Landscape and Development of an Innovative interconnected Advanced Generation intercross (iMAGIC) PopulationDottorato2022unrestricted
KASSAYE,ESKENDIRThe African Philosophical Discourse on Development: Towards Decolonial ModernityDottorato2025unrestricted
KHAN,LAREB ZAROptimized Machine Learning Techniques for Reliability of Optical NetworksDottorato2024unrestricted
KHAN,OWAIS UR REHMANDynamic Capabilities and Behavioral Practices of Organizations for Circular Economy ImplementationDottorato2020unrestricted
KHANNA,MANAVThe potential contribution of circular economy strategies to climate change mitigation and adaptation.Dottorato2023unrestricted
KIROS,AFEWERKI YOHANNESApproaching the identification of grain yield components controlling genes in durum wheatDottorato2023Mixed
KOSKEY,GILBERTEffects of vermicomposting and relay intercropping on plant-soil-microbial interactions and associated agroecosystem servicesDottorato2023Mixed
L'ABBATE,SERENATrastuzumab-induced cardiotoxicity in diverse mouse models: role of pre-existing cardiac dysfunction and efficacy of a combined beta-blocker and ACE inhibitor therapyDottorato2024Mixed
LA ROCCA,VERONICAThe role of N-Acylethanolamine Acid Amidase in the replication and maturation of ss(+) RNA viruses.Dottorato2023Mixed
LAKEW,BASAZEN FANTAHUNGenotypic and phenotypic diversity in Ethiopian barley (Hordeum vulgare ssp hordeum) farmer varieties based on morphologic and molecular markersDottorato2021unrestricted
LANOTTE,FRANCESCOAdaptive Dynamics Movement Primitives, a control framework for wearable roboticsDottorato2021unrestricted
LASSI,MICHAELIdentification and evaluation of EEG markers for the diagnosis and prognosis of neural clinical conditionsDottorato2024Mixed
LAVILLA,MIKELA platform in yeast to understand oxygen sensing mechanisms in higher eukaryotesDottorato2022Mixed
LENI,ERICASmall Farmers and the Land Rights-Agroecology Nexus - The Role of International Soft Law in Myanmar Land TenureDottorato2021unrestricted
LEONI,FEDERICOLegume selection for living mulches in Mediterranean integrated weed management cropping systemsDottorato2021unrestricted
LEONTIEV,LUCIAReframing Jurisdiction and Extraterritoriality in International Law. The Case of Territorial Non-State EntitiesDottorato2023Mixed
LIUZZI,PIERGIUSEPPEPatient stratification and prognosis of consciousness disorders: theory-based markers and machine learning modelsDottorato2024Mixed
LIVOLSI,CHIARADesign and clinical testing of new control strategies for an hip exoskeleton for individuals with moderate gait impairments.Dottorato2022Mixed
LO PRETI,MATTEODistributed soft sensing for tactile-driven interaction in natural and artificial systemsDottorato2023Mixed
LOMBARDO,ISABELLAInternalization and intracellular fate of hyaluronic acid‐coated chitosan nanoparticles in cultured cancer cells growth at physiological pH.Dottorato2022unrestricted
LORENZETTI,ELISAExploiting diversity in organic lentil (Lens culinaris) cultivation: germplasm collection and cultivar mixturesDottorato2023Mixed
LORENZON,LUCREZIAAn innovative compliant mechanism for a soft pump: towards a soft robotic artificial heart ventricleDottorato2023Mixed
LOSANNO,ELENAHand neuroprostheses based on intrafascicular stimulation: preclinical validation and tools to promote clinical translationDottorato2023Mixed
LUNNI,DARIOSmart Materials and Manufacturing Technologies for Soft SystemsDottorato2020unrestricted
LUPORINI,RICCARDOAdapting to climate change and reducing the risk of climate-related disasters: The role of international human rights lawDottorato2021unrestricted
MAGLIO,SABINAHigh Fidelity Simulation and Training in Neonatal Emergency Procedures and First CareDottorato2024Mixed
MANCIOPPI,GIANMARIAStudy and Development of Innovative Bioengineering Approaches to Assess the Motor-Cognitive Interplay in Neurodegenerative Disorders. Dottorato2021unrestricted
MANE,FREW YIRGALEMThe Enigma of the Great-Run: Development, Violence and the Challenges of Democratizing EthiopiaDottorato2021unrestricted
MANZONI,ANTONIOFinding a more sustainable and eco-logical conceptual framework for the EU Common Agricultural Policy. Insights from the food commons approach.Dottorato2022Mixed
MARCHI,VIVIANAInfant spontaneous activity as a window into early brain development: towards new kinematic and electrophysiological biomarkersDottorato2020unrestricted
MARCOLIN,ARIANNADigitalization in the Retail Sector: a Comparative Case Study Between Italy And Spain Industrial RelationsDottorato2021unrestricted
MARCONI,DARIODesign, Development and Validation of New Control Strategies for Robot-Assisted Hand RehabilitationDottorato2020unrestricted
MARCONI,SIMONEIntegration on graphene technology on SI-based photonic platformsDottorato2021unrestricted
MARIANI,ANDREATraining and usability of robot-assisted minimally invasive and non-invasive surgical platformsDottorato2022Mixed
MARRUCCI,LUCAThe role of environmental management systems in the transition towards a circular economyDottorato2021unrestricted
MARTINELLI,MARCOThe role of iodine in plant physiology Dottorato2020Mixed
MARTINEZ,MARCOFour Essays on Human Capital and Innovation: at the origins of Italian uneven development, 1815-1914Dottorato2023Mixed
MARTINI,ELENADevelopment and verification of technologies for novel gait training paradigmsDottorato2020unrestricted
MARTINO,LUIGIImproving Critical Infrastructures Protection from Cyber Attacks in Italy: The Public-Private Partnership Model Dottorato2020Mixed
MARTURANO,GIOVANNICharacterization of Long Terminal Repeat Retroelements and identification of exaptation events involving Transposable Elements in conifer genomes: a comparative approachDottorato2020unrestricted
MARZI,PAOLOEuroscepticism and government: a comparative analysisDottorato2021unrestricted
MASCITTI,AGOSTINOEnergy-aware Scheduling of Real-Time Tasks on ARM big.LITTLE ArchitecturesDottorato2021unrestricted
MASIERO,FEDERICOThe Myokinetic Interface: magnetic tracking and actuation for the restoration of dexterous control and proprioceptive feedback in transradial amputeesDottorato2023Mixed
MAZZEI,JULIAEssays on the Economics of Patents: Post-grant review, disclosure and firms' strategiesDottorato2023Mixed
MAZZEO,ANGELAGrasping and manipulation for marine sample collectionDottorato2023Mixed
MAZZOTTA,ARIANNADevelopment and characterization of flexible thermally actuated electronic devicesDottorato2023Mixed
MENEGHETTI,NICOLÒGamma oscillations in mouse primary visual cortex as a biomarker of pathological conditionsDottorato2023Mixed
MENGOZZI,ALESSANDROTargeting epigenetic changes in cardiometabolic diseasesDottorato2023Mixed
MERENDA,FEDERICAThe Inhuman Condition. Artificial Intelligence as a Challenge to the Cosmopolitan Regimes of International LawDottorato2021unrestricted
MHLANGA,BLESSINGCrop nutrient acquisition, yield, and weed communities as related to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities under conservation agriculture practicesDottorato2022unrestricted
MIGNUCCI,VALERIOCharacterization of the effects of hypergravity on tau aggregation in a neuronal cell model in vitro.Dottorato2023Mixed
MIRAGLIA,MARCOMechatronics-enabled augmentation of dynamic tasks to increase quality, efficiency, and sustainability in industrial and environmental applicationsDottorato2022Mixed
MIRIZZI,GIANLUCACentral Chemoreceptor Modulation in Systolic Heart Failure Dottorato2020unrestricted
MODENA,MARTINAGenetics and molecular mechanisms of sudden cardiac death in the youngDottorato2021unrestricted
MODESTI,MARGHERITAEffect of pre- and post-harvest treatments with ozone on grapes berry physiology and wine quality parametersDottorato2021unrestricted
MOHAMMAD,HASAN DAD ANSARINovel Magnetic Technologies For Endovascular ApplicationsDottorato2023Mixed
MONTAGNA,VINCENZO ANDREAA biorobotic approach to understand ferns' spore dispersal mechanism towards the development of fast plant-inspired actuators.Dottorato2022Mixed
MONTERO ARAGON,JORDAN JOSUEThe myokinetic stimulation interface: development of a system for the generation of selective 90 Hz vibrations using remotely controlled magnetsDottorato2020unrestricted
MORCHI,LAURAFocused Ultrasound Surgery: towards a safe therapy for clinical applications Dottorato2022Mixed
MOTA DA SILVA,EDUARDABiochemical and biohumoral studies of bone regeneration and remodelling after implantation of magnesium pin Dottorato2024unrestricted
MOURA BARROSO,ISRAELThe Grammar of Fraternity: Conflict and Responsibility in the AnthropoceneDottorato2022unrestricted
MURALI BABU,SARAVANA PRASHANTHModular Soft Robotic Systems for Bioinspired Crawling LocomotionDottorato2021unrestricted
NAZEER,MUHAMMAD SUNNYImitative and Adaptive Control of Soft Continuum Arms via Learning StrategiesDottorato2024Mixed
NEUPANE,SHREE PRASADCharacterization and Evaluation of Heterotic Traits in a Multi-parent Advanced Generation Inter-Cross (MAGIC) Maize PopulationDottorato2022unrestricted
NOCENTINI,OLIVIAStudy and development of AI-based approaches for cloth manipulation capabilitiesDottorato2023Mixed
OCCELLI,MARTINAThe Silent Revolution: effects of local ecological knowledge on the resilience of smallholder farmers in marginal agroecosystems.Dottorato2021unrestricted
OCCHIUZZI,BARBARALa fattispecie ricorsiva. Note di metodo a margine di una crisi della legalità in materia penale Dottorato2021unrestricted
ORLANDO,MATTEOInnovative technologies and natural products in horticulture productions.Dottorato2022Mixed
ORSITTO,DAVIDEVarieties of Equality in European Welfare States Dottorato2023Mixed
ORTEGA ALCAIDE,JOANMagnetically-driven robotic capsule navigation for colonoscopic proceduresDottorato2021unrestricted
OTTAVIANI,MATTEO MARIANovel approaches to study vagus nerve functional anatomy and signaling in different speciesDottorato2021unrestricted
PACIFICO,ILARIAOccupational exoskeletons: removing barriers to their large scale adoptionDottorato2022Mixed
PALAGI,ELISAThe complexity and multidimensionality of economic inequality: four essaysDottorato2022unrestricted
PALLANTE,GIANLUCAThree essays on macroeconomic policyDottorato2021unrestricted
PANE,STEFANOAdvanced Ultrasound Imaging Techniques for Monitoring and Controlling Microrobots in TissuesDottorato2022Mixed
PANVINI,FRANCESCA MARGHERITAEx vivo study of the human haematopoietic stem cell niche and generation of humanized ossicles in miceDottorato2020Mixed
PAOLINI,EMILIOAI in NextG Networks: from Neuromorphic Hardware to ApplicationsDottorato2024unrestricted
PAPAPICCO,VITOInnovative control solutions for wearable robotics using machine learningDottorato2021unrestricted
PARTIPILO,FRANCESCA ROMANAThe maritime frontiers of International Law: the human rights obligations of NGOs operating search and rescue at seaDottorato2023unrestricted
PASQUINI,MARIAMultimodal systems for upper limb neurorehabilitation in animal modelsDottorato2021unrestricted
PATERNO,LINDAPhysical Human Machine Interfaces for Lower Limb ProsthesesDottorato2020unrestricted
PATRICIO,BARBARA GOMESImportance of the Gut-Liver Axis on Lipid Metabolism: Implications in the Pathogenesis of Obesity-Related Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseDottorato2021unrestricted
PAVAN,ELENARischi e responsabilità civile nella sanità digitale - identificazione dei rischi e valutazione dei modelli di responsabilità civile in relazione a prodotti automatizzati e basati sull’intelligenza artificiale per soluzioni chirurgiche e sanitarie: il panorama generale e il caso 5G-SOSIADottorato2024Mixed
PECCHIONI,GIOVANNIA field study for Mediterranean lowlands: assessment of a silvoarable alley-cropping system for feed and fuel productionDottorato2021unrestricted
PENNA,MICHELE FRANCESCODevelopment of a portable exoskeleton and adaptive control strategies based on residual movement capabilities to assist and rehabilitate upper-limb impaired individualsDottorato2025Mixed
PEPERONI,EMANUELEDevelopment and experimental verification of novel wearable robots for post-traumatic hand rehabilitationDottorato2023Mixed
PEREIRA,DEBORAA human/worker-centered framework and bio-inspired control strategies for foodservice robotsDottorato2021Mixed
PEREIRA,MAYARA LUIZAThe governance of food safety as a paradigm for businesses and human rights: lessons and challengesDottorato2022unrestricted
PERGOLINI,ANDREADesign and experimental verification of assistive strategies for wearable lower-limb technologies - Applications’ in post-stroke patients and individuals with Parkinson’s disease and limb-amputationDottorato2023Mixed
PEZZINI,ILARIACerium oxide nanoparticles: a powerful nanotechnological tool in modulating reactive oxygen species detrimental effects.Dottorato2020Mixed
PICCININI,LUCAEngineering synthetic sensors and responses in plant to uncover physiological and stress-related responsesDottorato2022Mixed
PIGATTO,GIACOMOA critical reflection on the recent developments in voluntary corporate non-financial and sustainability reporting and disclosure: Lessons learnt from research on integrated reporting adoption in practiceDottorato2022unrestricted
PIQUE',FRANCESCOModel-free control approaches for soft robotsDottorato2023Mixed
PIRAZZI MAFFIOLA,KEVINEvidence on the effects of ownership, control, and board characteristics on firms’ environmental orientationDottorato2024unrestricted
PIRRONE,SERENA ROSA MARIAInvestigating the Optimal Design of Bioinspired Digging Robots for Earth and Space Soil Exploration Dottorato2024unrestricted
PIZZINO,FAUSTOPlasma exosomes and circulating exosomal miR-21 and miR-133a are associated with reverse remodeling in patients with severe primary mitral regurgitation undergoing to surgical repairDottorato2020unrestricted
PORFIDO,STEFANORestorative justice for corporate environmental harm ex crimine. A transformative justice? Dottorato2023unrestricted
PRASANNA,SAHANANeuromorphic tactile and haptic augmented perception for humans and machineDottorato2020unrestricted
PRATTI DOS SANTOS MAGIOLI,GUILHERMEThe legal façade of the contemporary technique phenomenon: law, environment and the quest for adaptationDottorato2023Mixed
PULEO,LEONARDOChallenger Parties in Europe: A Comparative AnalysisDottorato2021unrestricted
PUTZER,ALEXRights of Urban Nature. How to Apply a Non-Anthropocentric Ethic to an Anthropogenic World Dottorato2024Mixed
QUAGLIERINI,JACOPOFrom buckling springs to pneumatic artificial muscles: analytical and computational study of tubular braided meshes made of helical fibersDottorato2023Mixed
QUATTRONE,FILIPPOAssessing the performance of the heart failure pathway in regional healthcare systems: towards a data-driven, patient-centered approachDottorato2023Mixed
REN,XUYANGSoft Robotic Devices for Endoluminal Diagnosis and InterventionDottorato2023Mixed
RESTUCCIA,FRANCESCOPredictability, Safety, and Security for FPGA System-on-Chip platformsDottorato2021unrestricted
RICCIO,FEDERICOEssays on Structural Change, Growth and Distribution: An Evolutionary InterpretationDottorato2022Mixed
RIEHAKAINEN,LEONUsing positron emission tomography and ultrasound photoacoustic imaging for in vivo assessment of the effect of biodegradable magnesium and permanent titanium implants on bone and soft tissue healingDottorato2023unrestricted
ROBERTAZZI,FEDERICABrain-inspired meta-learning for response inhibition during decision-making in artificial agents: a neurorobotics approachDottorato2024Mixed
RODRIGUEZ MARTINEZ,ITZEL JAREDInvestigation of the grasp force from surface EMG during grasping and manipulationDottorato2020unrestricted
ROSSOLINI,GIULIOTowards Trustworthy AI: Understanding the Impact of AI Threats and CountermeasuresDottorato2024Mixed
RUGHI,TOMMASOEssays on technological evolution and socio-economic impacts under climate changeDottorato2023Mixed
SACCO,ADRIANOHealth technology assessment applied to telemedicine. A descriptive and qualitative comparison of the national and international context: practical implications and future perspective. Dottorato2024Mixed
SANTOEMMA,ILARIAA Cartography of the Posthumanities. New Frames from Epistemology to Political Philosophy Dottorato2022Mixed
SANZ MORERE,CLARA BEATRIZDevelopment and validation of control strategies for lower-limb exoskeletons to assist individuals with gait impairmentsDottorato2021unrestricted
SCANO,DAVIDEProgrammable Data Plane for Disaggregated Optical NetworksDottorato2023unrestricted
SCISSA,CHIARARethinking international refugee law and EU asylum law to protect against disaster displacement. Moving from the causes of flight to standards of underlying harm. Dottorato2023Mixed
SEMPRONI,FEDERICAAnalysis and Development of novel Active Monitoring Strategies for Implantable Medical DevicesDottorato2024Mixed
SERRA,GABRIELEMechanisms for safe and secure mixed-criticality real-time embedded systemsDottorato2023Mixed
SEYOUM,BIRUKDesign methods for partially reconfigurable FPGA-based SoCs and their applications for accelerating deep neural networksDottorato2021unrestricted
SHABANI,MAJIDNumerical Assessment of Tilted-Helical Fiber Orientation Effects on Deformation of Pneumatic Soft ActuatorsDottorato2024unrestricted
SHAHABISHALGHOUNI,EBRAHIMOctopus-inspired Technologies for Blind Grasping and Manipulation of Unknown ObjectsDottorato2023Mixed
SHIRIAEV,ANTONSelenium enrichment of tomato plants: effects on fruit quality, ripening physiology and postharvest behaviourDottorato2022unrestricted
SODINI,MIRKOOlea europaea and salinity: understanding ions exclusion and compartmentalizationDottorato2021unrestricted
SORRENTINO,ALESSANDRAFrom humans to robots: leveraging social intelligence to improve HRIDottorato2022Mixed
SORRIENTO,ANGELAInnovative technologies for quantitative diagnosis in orthopaedicsDottorato2021unrestricted
SOZER,CANBERKHybrid Soft-Rigid: An effective approach for enhancing the capabilities of soft robotsDottorato2021unrestricted
SPATARO,VERONICACo-assessment in healthcare: antecedents, tools, and influencing factors for utilizing patient feedback to improve healthcare servicesDottorato2024Mixed
SPIESSHOEFER,JENSModulation of sympathetic nerve activity by central sleep apnea in systolic heart failureDottorato2023unrestricted
STRAUSS,IVOIntraneural sensory feedback: from the assessment of current clinical usability to the development of novel neural interfacesDottorato2020unrestricted
STROPPA,MARTAAutonomous cyber capabilities in the use of force and conduct of hostilities: a jus ad bellum and jus in bello perspectiveDottorato2024Mixed
TAGLIANI,ANDREASecond messengers involved in hypoxia signal transduction in ArabidopsisDottorato2020unrestricted
TAMANG,ASTA MAYADiversity AssessmentDottorato2022unrestricted
TANNOUS,MICHAELMixed-Initiative Control in Industrial ContextsDottorato2022Mixed
THEIN,MIN SOEIdentification of genetic determinants of maize (Zea mays L.) yield components in a multiparent population using genomics high-throughput phenotypingDottorato2024Mixed
TONDINI,ELENAConservation biological control of the Olive Leaf Gall Midge, Dasineura oleae (Angelini, 1831)Dottorato2021unrestricted
TONINI,SIMONEEssays on the application of sparse penalized regressions in time series: meta-analysis, theory, and empirical applicationsDottorato2022unrestricted
TRAMPETTI,FRANCESCABiological evaluation of a novel lysosomotropic compound with improved anticancer activity compared to chloroquine Dottorato2021unrestricted
TRAN,NHIEN THIAssessing the genetic and molecular basis of resistance to Fusarium Verticillioides in maizeDottorato2022Mixed
TRICO,DOMENICOImpact of plasma lipids on glucose homeostasisDottorato2020unrestricted
TRIULZI,ISOTTAEngaging men to positively impact the adherence and retention of HIV-positive women in MalawiDottorato2021unrestricted
TRUCCO,DIEGOAcellular and cell-laden biomaterials for the substitution and regeneration of osteoarticular tissuesDottorato2023Mixed
TRUPPA,LUIGIDevelopment of Innovative Inertial Sensors methods to Monitor Human Motion and Athletic MovementDottorato2022unrestricted
VENTURI,FILIPPODiritto penale regolatorio. Il processo di criminalizzazione nelle strategie disciplinari del new regulatory State Dottorato2023Mixed
VICARIO,GIULIAFrom olive fruit to olive oil: relation between olive abiotic stress response as well as agricultural practices and quality of fruit and oil Dottorato2023Mixed
VICHI,ELENAThe effects of Zinc, Caffeine and NaCl on olive and tomato physiology and metabolism Dottorato2024Mixed
VISSANI,MATTEOUpdating deep brain stimulation: novel quantitative methods to determine sweet spots and patients state through electrophysiological activityDottorato2021unrestricted
VIZZOTO,FELIPEFood waste reduction in the food services sector: Strategies to harvest the low-hanging fruit before it falls off the tree Dottorato2021unrestricted
WARREN RAFFA,DYLANExploring the effects of vineyard soil management on spontaneous vegetation, soil health, vine growth and grape qualityDottorato2021unrestricted
WOLDEYOHANNES,AEMIRO BEZABIHHarnessing climatic, phenotypic, molecular and farmers priority traits in characterizing and valorizing teff genetic resourcesDottorato2021unrestricted
ZEMA,SEBASTIANO MICHELEThree Essays on Financial Markets as Complex Dynamical SystemsDottorato2021Mixed
ZINI,MATTEOAnalysis and Mitigation of Memory Contention in Real-Time Embedded SystemsDottorato2024Mixed
ZRINSCAK,DEBORATowards a biomimetic soft robotic total artificial heartDottorato2022Mixed